She plays like a girl

Cross posted from:

Katie Reyes this is your day young lady and we celebrate you. Why is it since 1984 when young ladies were permitted to play in the Little League, we have only seen fifteen so far in the World Series. Still are daughters are told they are lesser than, that to play in sports dominated males. This fine young lady has proven yes there are women out there who are more than comparable. I say we need to encourage are young women they to can excel at sports also. Maybe in some way it would show them that plastic surgery and slut wear is not the only way to rank in this society, because that is the message that is being pushed to our daughters out there…
My two cents…

She Plays Ball Like A Girl, In the Little League World Series Katie Reyes is being hailed as “the first girl game-winner” in a Little League World Series game. Katie became the hero with a two-run single that won the game for Canada!

Obviously, precious few girls have been permitted to play. Since 1984, that would be all of 15 girls playing in the Little League World Series. This year, there were all of 2 girls. As far as we know, the first girl to play in the LLWS was Kathryn Johnston. Back in 1950, she passed as a boy by tucking her hair under her hat and using the nickname “Tubby.”

”They didn’t know I was a girl, and my brother didn’t say anything,” she said. ”If I had told them my real name, they wouldn’t have let me play. So I told them my name was Tubby, from the male character in the cartoon strip ‘Little Lulu.’

”I played a couple of weeks and then I talked to my coach. I said: ‘I really need to tell you something. I’m not a boy. I’m a girl.’ He said, ‘That’s O.K., you’re a darned good player.’ So I ended up playing the whole season at first base and became sort of a drawing card, because everybody wanted to see a girl play.”

Game-Winning Hit by 13-Year-Old Girl Could Be a First
Published: August 25, 2009


As the First basewoman she drove in the winning runs and caught the last out at first base

SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (AP) — Katie Reyes hit a two-run single in the top of the sixth to help Vancouver, British Columbia, rally for a wild 14-13 victory Tuesday over Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany, in the Little League World Series.

Katie Reyes had three hits and three R.B.I. on Tuesday.

The Little League president, Stephen Keener, and other longtime tournament officials said they could not recall a girl having the winning hit before in a World Series game.

“I was excited. I was shaking,” Reyes, 13, said about going to the plate for her big hit. She finished with three hits and three runs batted in.

Playing first, Reyes also caught the last out. She joined her happy teammates jumping on the mound after Canada won its last game of the series. Both teams had already been eliminated entering Tuesday.

Canada rallied in the sixth, when Anthony Cusati hit his second homer of the game, a two-run shot that cut the deficit to 13-12. After loading the bases, Reyes drove in the winning runs.

Glenn Beck – Full week on video, 8-24 thru 8-28

Youtube videos for all the week

Monday…eature=channel 08/24 A…eature=channel 08/24 B…eature=channel 08/24 C…eature=channel 08/24 D…eature=channel 08/24 E

Tuesday…eature=channel 08/25 A…eature=channel 08/25 B…eature=channel 08/25 C…eature=channel 08/25 D…eature=channel 08/25E

Wednsday…eature=channel 08/26 A…eature=channel 08/26 B…eature=channel 08/26C…eature=channel 08/26 D…eature=channel 08/26 E

Glenn Beck 08-27-09 A…eature=channel
Glenn Beck 08-27-09 B…eature=channel
Glenn Beck 08-27-09 C…eature=channel
Glenn Beck 08-27-09 D…eature=channel
Glenn Beck 08-27-09 E

Glenn Beck 08-28-09 A…eature=channel
Glenn Beck 08-28-09 B…eature=channel
Glenn Beck 08-28-09 C…eature=channel
Glenn Beck 08-28-09 D…eature=channel
Glenn Beck 08-28-09 E

Urgent- DO NOT ALLOW this to happen again!

Cross posted from El Marco

The following photo essay is a repeat of what many of us saw in the primaries- we cannot allow this in America! Do not allow this in America. This may be our very last opportunity to be free- if we lay down we will lose this – let us not go down without a fight!
Go to every town hall you in your district, arrive early, insist on being admitted, refuse to sign anything, take pictures, do not go alone, document everything , carry a voice recorder and camera. Remember – your representatives are supposed to represent you – if they do not – remember that and start to groom someone for the very next election and let them know that very night.

Organizing for America Stages Show in Denver

Denver –  August 29 2009 – The Obama administration has sent out Organizing for America – the successor organization of Obama for America, which was Obama’s campaign organization, to drum up support for his unpopular Obamacare initiative. The coast to coast bus tour arrived in Denver Friday.

Shockingly, opponents to Obamacare are being bullied, and consent manufactured by the White House and Obama activists. Although the White House denies their single payer goals, that seemed to be the main message at the rally in Denver, where the message was carefully controlled.


I arrived early at North High School for Friday’s, Organizing for America rally in Denver. OFA community organizers were hard at work. 


This organizer was instructing volunteers to hand out signs to anticipated crowds. Ed Perlmutter is scheduled to speak to his constituents about Obamacare. 


Here, hand-manufactured signs on sticks are mixed with a ream or two of signs without sticks. Approximately 50 signs. In boxes are printed signs with UPS One Day Air receipts on them. From D.C.?  Maybe.


Here another organizer gives similar instructions. Another 50 or so fake grassroots signs waiting to be distributed.



I went to the adjacent street, West 32nd Street, and here is what I saw. 








Some media showed up after a while and zeroed in on the guy with the Ted Kennedy sign. The reporterette at center showed no interest in interviewing the man on the right or others. 



I checked back at this same area about 20 minutes later to find that the Astroturf Brigades had arrived in force and were beginning to be a nuisance. 



These two are Organizing for America people sent from the high school staging area which is approximately 300 feet to the right of the green shirt.



This proud DenverCrat was eager to pose for my camera. I’m pretty sure he made his own sign, which took tremendous initiative no doubt. 



Much to my chagrin, he began to berate anyone who made eye contact with him. He spoke, er, bellowed eloquently enough. He sounded like Ted Kennedy on the campaign trail. He marshaled many of the main democrat talking points quite admirably. 


Democrat Party passion and a tightly clenched fist. With a makeover, he’d be a perfect candidate.


These green shirts blocked the north entrance to the high school parking lot. All who wanted to enter to hear Representative Perlmutter had to go approximately 1/4 of a mile to the west entrance. They said everyone had to sign in for security reasons. Following is an email from a severely disabled Denver Prager Listener Group member:

“I was at that rally and was parked inside the fence because I had arrived very early. I walked outside the west side of the fence to meet friends and then re-entered when they called and said they were on the other side of the parking lot. The “green shirts” came toward me with their clip boards and wanted to know where I was going. I told them I was going to my car and they reluctantly let me pass. When I got to the other end of the lot, several “green shirts” approached me and asked where I was going. I told them and they also reluctantly let me go past. When I met my friends I told them what had happened and that I was really afraid of those people because they came across so aggressively. One of my friends found a couple of police officers and he told them I was afraid these people wouldn’t let me back in to get my car. The officers talked to the “green shirts” and they were quite irate that I felt the least bit intimidated by them!! Well, a couple of hours later the Obama Bus arrived and a little while after that I needed to leave. One of my friends offered to walk me to my car. When we got to the gate the “green shirts” had tied yellow “CAUTION” tape (it looks like police tape!!) across the entire gate opening and it took a couple of minutes for my friend to convince them that I was just going to my car and he was walking with me. 

It is so deplorably dishonest for these “astroturf” bullies with their professionally printed signs and buttons to forcibly extract signatures from people and then for Perlmutter (my Congressman also!!) to knowingly use those signatures ~ I believe that in any other arena this would be fraud!!!” 

The woman who wrote this lives in constant extreme pain and is not a threat to anyone.  


I headed over to the west entrance to see what was going on. I passed a group of grassroots supporters of Obama on the way. Others in the group had signs which were foul and offensive. Disgusting, really. So I have spared you the necessary after-viewing shower by not showing their photos.



A young mind is a terrible thing to waste.



At the western entrance I asked this young man what kind of liberal he is. “Jeffersonian” he replied with a big grin. 

Below is the processing area inside the gate. Everyone was required to give name, address, phone number and email. Media had to sign a separate form with employer name, etc. I put “Pravda” as my employer. The tables on the left contain clipboards where all the information is gathered. Anyone who did not want to give their data was asked to leave under implied threat of police escort.




Outside the line proceeded very slowly even though there was no security check whatsoever. Only data gathering. In this line I saw one person with a homemade pro-Obamacare sign. She can be seen below center in red. The two ladies on the right were told by two greenshirts they would have to leave their signs outside. 





Here is an email forwarded by  another Prager listener:

“I just returned from a rally for health care reform held at North High School in Denver. As Erin and I were entering the staging area we were approached by people carrying clipboards. We were told we could not enter without signing our name and address on the form. I asked why they needed this information and was told they must know who was entering the area.This was a tax payer supported high school property hosting public speakers and I was being denied entry unless the clipboard form was completed. I was very uncomfortable with this request and remained outside the chain link fence to listen to the speakers. The first speaker was my very own repesentative, Ed Permutter who thanked all who had signed the clipboard form and stated that all these signatures would go on to to Washington showing support of the Obama Health Care Plan. I could not believe what I heard. Never was it stated that this form was a support of the health care plan. I just wonder how many people were dooped into signing this when they do not support the bill or do not know enough about it to make a decision.People carrying signs supporting the bill were permitted entry with their signs, those opposing had to remain outside.

 Whether you support this bill or not please ask yourself……do I live in a free country where all are welcome to a public forum without restriction? Can a petition obtained with deception go onto Washington in support of a bill that no one can understand? Do our elected officials respect the wants of the people or are they ramming their agenda down our throats?”

In some third world countries this is a common union scam tactic. Invite workers to a meeting, sign a book at the door and they are trapped into the union without ever being asked if they wanted to join. When enough workers are signed in their employer is shoved aside and the union sets up shop. Very sneaky.



This is the scene of the podium from the photographers stand. 





The union workers were out in full force. 



Here we see a green shirt distributing signs to astroturfers. This is the last step to create the “grassroots look’ that is the goal of David Axelrod. This creates a false positive impression among the television audience. Not all signs found willing Astroturfers and were ignored. Some people came to hear their representative, not to play partisan stooge. 


Some in Canada argue that national single-payer healthcare as a human right, was enshrined in Canada’s first constitution, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982 . In 2005 the Superior Court of Canada ruled that the Canadian government was in violation of every Canadian’s basic human rights. Canadaian Chief Justice, Beverly McLachlin, wrote that “Access to a waiting list is not access to health care.”

A fundamental human right was violated here at this rally. And that, of course, is the now apparently antiquated right of free speech which was enshrined in the first American Constitution in 1791.





Astroturf by Axelrod.


An organizer drones on as the crowd awaits the arrival of the OFA bus carrying Rep. Perlmutter. The bus is late. 

A commotion in the parking lot caught my eye. A green shirt aggressively berates two dissenters in the parking lot .


They are ejected by two male organizers in red shirts. While still on school property, the two ladies decided to hold their ground, resisting excessive trampling of their rights as law abiding Americans. 



This is a standoff. Who would have thought a scene like this could occur in America? 



The red shirts stay to monitor the situation(above background left). At no time did I see these ladies argue or fuss. They appeared only calm and insistent on their rights.



Meanwhile, the Astroturfers who were sent to confront the legitimate dissenters on W 32nd St, are now among the crowd waiting to cheer Perlmutter.


And here’s the bus. Police were positioned around our hardy dissenters, for the safety of the public no doubt.


WHOOPEE!!! Let the show begin!




The bus was followed by several black SUV’s. Looks like Tony Soprano sent some of the boys over in case things got out of hand. 


Perlmutter ranted about fighting and fighting and human rights and the Constitution. 



Organizers positioned this banner to block the view from the two camera stands. Should have sent a taller green shirt. Alas, the best laid plans of mice and men…



R.E.A.L. on Women’s Equality Day 2009 in DC

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)
Contact: Jeffrey Imm,

Thank You to all those who support our Women’s Equality Day public awareness event in Washington DC on August 26 at the Washington DC Freedom Plaza, including representative from ERA NOW, NOW Maryland, NOW Virginia, and Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.).

We reached out to many people leaving work to update them on the urgent need to support Constitutional equality for all American women through the Equal Rights Amendment, which states:

“SECTION 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

“SECTION 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

“SECTION 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.”

It is such a fundamental human right and such a simple message that R.E.A.L. was able to publish this on business card size handouts to distribute to the public!

For more information see R.E.A.L. information and postings on Constitution Equality for Women.

YouTube Video of Stills and Video from Individuals at Public Awareness Event

[Online photo gallery of photographs of August 26 public awareness event taken by Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)]

Obama and the Thugs

Cross posted from American Thinker

If any side has been guilty of astroturfing at townhalls, it is Obama supporters.  People posing as doctors have turned up at various events, hailing the President’s plan, only to be found out later.  Vandals smashed windows at the Democratic Party office in Denver early this week.  More astroturfing, apparently.  As Gateway Pundit has detailed:


The young vandal who smashed windows at the DNC headquarters in Denver on Tuesday worked for a democratic politician, was paid by a SEIU-related front group, and was arrested at the RNC convention last year in St. Paul.


Honestly, I never thought I would live to see the day when a president one-upped Nixon.  But this Obama thuggery gets worse by the day and our once-valiant mainstream press just yawns and accuses the innocent. 


Even Richard Nixon never, as far as we know, went so far as to orchestrate manufactured news, advise his supporters to “get in their faces” or use taxpayer dollars to promote political causes.


What in the world is this Country coming to?


Read: the full article here:

Did Teddy’s Liberalism trample on The Constitution?

Bettyjean invites your interaction as we ponder this question?

Remember when liberal wasn’t a dirty word? Today as I watched Ted Kennedy’s funeral I was reminded of the positive things Teddy did, of the reasons that I was once a liberal. Liberals once did great things for ordinary Americans, people of color, the poor, children without health care, and women who needed a champion. Liberals brought us justice for many. Could it have been wrong to pass civil rights, or health care for children, or equal pay for women for example?

Because of the Ted Kennedy those who didn’t have a voice finally had one but for the past 30 years it seems ordinary Americans were forgotten and the special interest groups took and held precedence over all else.

Below I have listed some of the advocacy groups he championed. He had his hands in over 1000 pieces of legislation and wrote over 300. Where did he – where did we – go wrong in applying liberalism in the name of justice for all and yet in doing so trample on democracy and our Constitution?

Political positions

Senator Kennedy’s political positions are reflected in his advocacy for minority groups regarding racial justice; women’s reproductive rights; gender equality; age discrimination; immigration; gay rights; and civil rights

Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of democracy is eternal vigilance”

We believe our founders meant the government to be one of the people for the people and by the people not of the party for the party and by the party. We the people while concerned about many issues are more concerned about Democratic process that has been abrogated.

“Should the ISSUES that have come to define the Democratic Party to liberals or the Republican Party to the conservatives be the reasoning we accept either the party’s propaganda or edicts? Even if it means sacrificing such as The Constitution and our core values of respect, honor, loyalty and democracy itself?

We are told to vote for a democrat to protect the Supreme Court, abortion, environment and human rights, issues, and we are told to vote for a conservative to protect life and family values, but what if it is fear mongering designed to keep us in line? What if issues usurp democracy as a means of achieving a goal of power over the concerned governed? Should it be rewarded with your vote by going with the party and against our best interests and against the Constitution? If citizens fall in line have they sold the long term goals of their values, for the temporally “hold us in line” issues that keep us fighting among ourselves and under control?

These are salient questions to ponder because we are being asked to vote party line each time any proposal is put before the people. It is clear issues are no longer decided by Constitution but by demagoguery and brute force over the power of the people.

Why? I leave this for you to ponder and hopefully, begin asking questions and challenge what has transpired when either party holds the majority, or as in this case hold all three houses of power and the media.”

Patriots serve the Constitution. Our Founders designed a system of checks and balances and gave us a wonderful set of rules to abide by and gave us the First Amendment so patriots say it loud – The Majority United- 535 tyrants vs. 300,000 do the math – it is time to take our country back.  

Let us not forget whilst we do good unto others that we not hide behind that good that we are meanwhile trampling on the greater good. The greater good being freedom. Do good unto others by making laws that protect people from the harm of others and if needed taking money out of your own pocket and give to those of your choice – but do not decide for me who I will give to – again I say – mine is not yours to give! In America we believe in Freedom of Choice! Read again The Constitution and The Declaration of Independence and leave ‘We the People’ to the pursuit of happiness through life, liberty and independence as promised us and a government of the people, for the people and by the people.

Sex Slave In California

Cross posted from Phyllis Chesler

He kidnapped her and kept her as his sex slave. When she was not sexually servicing him, she “lived” in a coffin-like box beneath his bed in sunny, sunny California. His wife knew all about it.

No, I am not talking about the ordeal of Jaycee Lee Dugard who was kidnapped in 1991, when she was 11-years-old and who has just been rescued after an eighteen year captivity in the northern California home of Phillip and Nancy Garrido.

I am talking about 20-year-old Oregonian, Colleen Stan, who in 1977, was kidnapped by Cameron and Janice Hooker, buried alive in a coffin-like box and enslaved for seven years in southern California. The Hookers were a well-liked couple who had two children. Cameron was a mill-worker at a lumber company. Janice was the kind of wife and mother who sewed, crocheted, and entertained friends.

Here’s what the “average, well-liked” mill worker did to Colleen Stan.

He sadistically raped her, but he also handcuffed, blind-folded, hung her by her wrists, gagged her, repeatedly near-suffocated her, chained her to a rack, whipped her if she cried out, starved her, beat her–and always kept her chained, both hand and foot, and confined in the box. It worked. After six months, Colleen was “broken.” Thereafter, Cameron allowed her to become the family’s house slave too.

Janice Hooker? Well, Janice wanted to stay married, wanted to please her man, but could not endure his enormous sadism. So she agreed to a substitute, a sacrifice.

To Continue Click

Universal Health Care, a better plan

Contributed by: TPT/NY

Please accept my condolences on the loss of Sen. Ted Kennedy. I heard a quote from him about missing the “Good” while striving for the “Perfect”. Hopefully, you’ll see this as the “Good” plan on the way to the Perfect goal of; “Universal Health Care”.

To Any Interested Parties,

I have sent this to many across the political & private spectrum. Personally, in my 25+ years as a Registered Nurse, I have worked in all aspects of Healthcare; at one time or another. Often times I’ll find myself, frequently arguing with Insurance Companies (politely of course); regarding “Pre-Authorization” on medications; trust me I know where some of the wholes are. I COMPLETELY agreed with the Hillary Plan of 2008 / not the one of 1993. Unfortunately, it seems the Democrats are working towards bringing the 1993 plan back. Although, I ALWAYS supported her efforts, then & now; I was never big on the “Single – Payer – Option”. A person can “Believe” in Universal Health Care; and NOT be for “Public-Option”.

Currently, I am close to starting a “GREEN” business & would like to be able to provide Healthcare for (hopefully) my future employees. I am a registered Independent since about 2006 (formally a Democrat); I consider myself to be: “Politically Neutral”!!

Why is Congress” / taking a “TOP-DOWN” approach on Healthcare; instead of a BOTTOM-UP”? If they want to try out “A PLAN”, then try it on their own taxpayer provided; “Congressional Insurance” Program, then GET BACK TO “US” the Taxpayers; with the Pro’s & Con’s they discovered. This way “we” can make an informed decision about our own and our family’s future.

Until then, in my opinion as a RN /Taxpayer, they should take some “Serious a Steps”, towards achieving “Universal Healthcare”, by creating conditions that would “fit for many”. I believe the below plan can be “Deficit Neutral”.

*1- Utilize the already existing “Pre-Tax” for medical expenses accounts. Many already have access to them, through their employers. “If” someone is self or un-employed then a program can be set up through their personal bank accounts.

*2- Adopt “for all” The “Flex-Credit System”, used successfully by MANY employers.

Expand on that & encourage ALL Full & Part-Time Employers, Retirement Benefits Providers, Unions & so on, to give people credits instead of product. Now they can take these credits & go into a “POOL of Providers” like the Congressional Plan does. People can now manage their own Healthcare; based on the needs of themselves & their families. **If someone does not have enough credits; then they can go into a Government program. There is an AMAZING facility, I’ve dealt with, and that is worth looking at (details upon request). They managed to serve those less fortunate financially; with grace, dignity, and fairness, while providing them with access to the BEST medical care in the area.

*2a – The Market Place would then help to control costs; just like with other industries.

*2b- People can get what they feel they need for themselves & their families.

Spouses can now “Pool” their credits so if “1” person works P/T they can contribute their credits & “off-set” their families “Out-of-Pocket” costs. Currently, many are not accessing their part-time benefits, because having “2” insurances within “1” family can confuse the pay-out by the Primary Insurance plan. A place like “Wal-Mart can now “give” people “Credits” & not feel the financial Burden of providing the full service.

As with, Car Insurance…The More in…the Lower the overall costs.

My personal opinion of “Single Payer” is this: Just like “AT&T” BEFORE the MCI’s came along; I don’t trust too much control to any one entity!!!! In the mean time as an “insider” they can be encouraged to start this TODAY:

Pass a “Best Practice” Law protecting doctors to use their Best judgment when ordering tests &/or treatments, for someone. Something like the “Good Samaritan Law” that protects medical providers who come onto a scene of an accident.

-Get Regulatory Agency’s to “Encourage GREEN & Time Management” steps. This also can work instead of: Cap-n-Trade

-Think, “Good House-Keeping Seal of Approval”.

-Recycling / Reusing (when possible, “Patient/Public Safety” ALWAYS “1st”.

-Right Now, all directives add “Paperwork & People Power” to the Medical Community; thereby increasing costs.

-Insurance companies should be encouraged to continue to “Regulate Expenses”, HOWEVER, NOT at the RISK of “INFRINGING on CONTINUITY of CARE”!!!!

Any “Pre-Existing” Medical Treatment between Doctor & Patient MUST be HONORED & RESPECTED…PERIOD” i.e.; “If” there’s a medication that is working “LEAVE it Alone”, even if it is not included on you discounted list.

“If” there’s any changes by the DOCTOR; then go ahead & do the Pre-Authorization thing.

Below is a quote from an article someone sent me about Tom Daschle “still” working with the “WH”:

August 23, 2009
Daschle Has the Ear of the White House and the Health Industry

“To address doctors’ fears of lawsuits, Mr. Daschle and his collaborators proposed a “safe harbor” from legal liability for doctors who follow certain rules. Mr. Obama took up the idea in a mid-June speech to the American Medical Association”.

This is very much like my above comment about a “Good Samaritan” type law to protect MD’s from fearing using their “Best Judgment”; when working with patients.

In closing these are my PERSONAL Opinions.

Thank You

A Very Concerned Citizen

The “Glue” that holds the Family Together

While volunteering at the NetRoots Nation Convention earlier this month, I met women who were bloggers on the Daily K and other “Progressive” sites whose heads were so dominated by the feminine duty to unify the party that they allowed themselves to be sabotaged at the finish line unaware of how they cheated themselves. One admitted that she would have been more enthusiastic volunteering for the campaign had the “other” primary candidate prevailed. It was a true eye opener for me. Our failure is in not having taken on the Daily Kos for the manner in which our HRC contingent was intimdated and ditched. Heidi Li and the Denver Group went about challenging the injustice in a most dignified and laudable fashion, but the appeals fell on deaf ears. Had the 26th been observed in Denver as it merited, the “third wave of feminists” might have witnessed their mothers’ & grandmothers’ equally moving emotion. In the coming year, members of the DNC will be up for re-election. It is THEIR DUTY to convene and write the rules of the national convention. The women who can understand the importance of being able to enforce contracts musty show up at these gatherings to take to the microphones in self-respectful protest of the manner in which the rules were discarded to our disadvantage. No future Candidate can be expected to raise and budget resources geared to a specified calendar only to have the game called on account of Competition! If I were to have a bank foreclose on me because they wanted their money earlier than our agreed upon due date, it would be a clear violation of our agreement. If your daughter gets home at midnight, an hour after her agreed-upon curfew, you have grounds for “grounding” her. We must consider carefully when “permitting the modification of agreed-upon, published rules” as a gentle gesture, that we don’t allow a self-defeating choice to nullify our good work. Women are able and skilled in asserting their will within the framework of the gentle image we cultivate. Without threatening our Families, we must appeal to our Sisters and their gentle male supporters to represent firm disapproval of the violation of our agreement last year in Denver. We should simply continuate our orderly petition of 300. While Hillary stepped aside to avert disaster and permit the party to feign unity under extreme distress, the violation of our contractual rights to a calendar observed as scheduled must be addressed. The people to hold responsible for this are the members of the DNC who will set about to write the rules for 2012. The Majority United must make the phrase “Majority United” as significant to a Candidate’s profile as “Progressive” became. In no way is a Progressive “More than a Democrat.” Likewise, though it may trigger relapse of the Clinton / Palin derangement syndromes, we must seek redress for the breach of contract perpetrated by the DNC in 2008.

Jugend Bund, der Amerika

The more things change (there’s that word again) the more they stay the same. Here we are recruiting our youth to put down the free speech of our long suffering tax payer senior citizens who have given to this country and now children their grandchildren’s ages are turned out against them and bused across the country for college credits to out scream them with Obama talking points!


College kids recruited to join Obama’s ‘army’
Earn credit for pushing ‘change,’ working on president’s ‘agenda’

Posted: August 25, 2009
9:03 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Organizing for America offers opportunities for college credit

President Obama’s army of citizen volunteers is now actively recruiting college students in states across the country to “build support for President Obama’s agenda” – and earn college credit while advocating for “change.”

Obama for America, Obama’s 2008 political campaign, merged with the Democratic National Committee in January and is now known as Organizing for America, or OFA. The movement some call “Obama 2.0” is now recruiting students and offering to provide credits toward degree plans in exchange for their advocacy skills.

A message from OFA national volunteer coordinators announcing the recruitment campaign and internship opportunities has been posted on several websites and on Facebook.

“Students and young people were critical in building the movement that helped elect President Obama last year. By becoming a National Organizing Intern, you’ll be part of the grassroots effort to make the change we fought for a reality in 2009 and beyond,” it states. “As an Organizing Intern, you’ll work side by side with OFA staff and community leaders to help build support for President Obama’s agenda. You’ll learn core organizing principles that are crucial for any campaign and play an important role in building our organization in your state.”

The announcement continues, “President Obama describes his time as a community organizer by saying: ‘It was the best education I ever had, because I learned in those neighborhoods that when ordinary people come together, they can achieve extraordinary things.’

“This is your chance to get that same education.

“If you’re passionate about making sure every American has quality health care, reviving our economy, and building a clean energy future, don’t miss this great opportunity. No previous experience is needed in order to apply.”

Get the prescription for reclaiming America’s heritage of liberty, justice and morality – Joseph Farah’s “Taking America Back,” autographed only at the WND SuperStore.

The group’s website declares: “Organizing for America, the successor organization to Obama for America, is empowering students across the country to build on the movement that elected President Obama and help bring about his vision for change.”

Volunteers must commit to working at least 12 hours a week from Sept. 1 to Dec. 11 and, according to the OFA website, may receive college credit from their schools for doing so.

The Omaha World-Herald reported that OFA workers have been knocking on doors and making phone calls in Iowa and Nebraska to garner support for Obama’s health care initiative.

“It is the first time in recent memory that a presidential candidate has maintained an active, grassroots presence in either state after an election,” the newspaper reported.

“Iowa has almost nonstop presidential activity,” said Norm Sterzenbach, executive director of the Iowa Democratic Party. “But the idea of having a sitting president continuing an organization is fairly unusual.”

According to the Washington Post, Obama used the same standing political army earlier this year to gather signatures in support of his economic plan. The president asked his supporters to go “block by block and door by door” in every state.

In March, when volunteers canvassed high-traffic locations in Birmingham, Ala., to support Obama’s health care, education and energy policies, one event organizer told the Birmingham News, “We are looking for supporters. We’re not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.”

In an Aug. 5 e-mail, Obama once again urged his supporters to help him gain support for his health care plan

Organizing for America is putting together thousands of events this month where you can reach out to neighbors, show your support, and make certain your members of Congress know that you’re counting on them to act.

But these canvasses, town halls, and gatherings only make a difference if you turn up to knock on doors, share your views, and show your support.

Democratic National Committee spokesman Michael Czin said in July that OFA has hired staff in 38 states and intends to expand to all 50 states. OFA announced that it has organized 1,906 local events in all 50 states – from press conferences to community discussions – since it launched its health care campaign in June.

As WND reported, Obama has been accused of “planting” OFA volunteers and supporters at many of his recent town hall forums so they may ask pre-selected questions. The White House insists that attendees are selected at random, but a closer look reveals many questioners range from Obama campaign donors and Organizing for America volunteers to single-payer health care lobbyists and Service Employees International Union members.

According to New Hampshire’s DMUR 9 News, Obama health care supporters, including OFA members, are being driven to town hall meetings by the busload:

One citizen filmed a crowd of activists at a recent town hall meeting. Each attendee held a printed placard promoting health “reform” and addressing numerous “myths” and “facts” about Obama’s plan. Asked where she got the sign, a woman said, “Organizing for America. We’re a grass-roots organization and proud of it.”

Other town hall attendees have reported seeing volunteers handing out pre-printed fliers and posters from OFA.

WND also reported that help wanted ads are appearing on Craigslist that offer to pay citizens between $9 and $16 an hour to lobby for the passage of Obama’s health care. One Sacramento Craig’s List ad declares, “Help pass Obama’s health care reform! Earn $325-$550 per week!”

Craigslist  ads for Sacramento-area workers to “help pass Obama’s plans”

Another Craigslist ad in San Francisco invited prospective applicants to “join motivated staff around the country working to make change happen.”

The same ad ran in the Craigslist Washington, D.C., section. Similar ads were posted in Minneapolis, Minn., and Columbus, Ohio, sections.

Organizing for America is also calling on Obama supporters to show up at local representatives’ offices to show support for health reform.

“As you’ve probably seen in the news, special interest attack groups are stirring up partisan mobs with lies about health reform, and it’s getting ugly,” a letter from Organizing for America states. “Across the country, members of Congress who support reform are being shouted down, physically assaulted, hung in effigy, and receiving death threats. We can’t let extremists hijack this debate, or confuse Congress about where the people stand.”

The group even offers to provide “information to drop off about how the health care crisis affects your state (with the option of adding your personal story)” and “a step-by-step guide” for pushing health “reform” at district offices.

Chelsea Schilling is a staff writer for WorldNetDaily.