It is NOT about RAPE it is about winning an election.



It’s a new era when the topic of the Presidents face book page is his wanting to secure women’s health care rights to abortion after rape.

“I want women to control their health care choices just like I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as your sons”

How very odd to profess you’re securing your daughters Health Care future with “her right to an abortion after rape” while ignoring the fact that her future will never be secure because of rape. The solution to violence against women is not “protecting her right to an abortion after rape” its protecting her and “giving her the same opportunities. This is not about rape this is about winning an election. This is not about violence against women this is about winning an election. This is not even about women’s health care issues; this is about winning an election. It’s all about WINNING an election, it has always been and as long as women repeat the mantra of political campaigns rhetoric it will always be about reproductive rights and not about what does matter to women.


Ninety-two percent of women surveyed listed reducing domestic violence and sexual assault as their top concern.


Why don’t we force candidates to make it about women’s rights that include strict laws and enforcement for violence against women? Until we do we will hear the winning campaign slogan that needs women voters to believe the rhetoric that the “war on women is about reproductive rights” and no other war matters to women. Until we say I am more than a Uterus, I am a whole body and a being that is stalked, and beaten and starved and taunted and belittled and degraded and humiliated and scared, we will live with the shocking reality of violence against women. The odds are 1 in 5 your daughter will be abused in her own home, by her own partner. If you truly want to give your daughters the “same opportunities as your sons” than begin with giving her the opportunity to live life without fear of violence.


Domestic Violence Statistics


  • Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.


  • Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Most often, the abuser is a member of her own family.


  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women, more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.


  • Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.


  • Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup.


  • Every day in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends.


  • Ninety-two percent of women surveyed listed reducing domestic violence and sexual assault as their top concern.


  • Domestic violence victims lose nearly 8 million days of paid work per year in the US alone the equivalent of 32,000 full-time jobs.


  • Based on reports from 10 countries, between 55 percent and 95 percent of women who had been physically abused by their partners had never contacted non-governmental organizations, shelters, or the police for help.


  • The costs of intimate partner violence in the US alone exceed $5.8 billion per year: $4.1 billion are for direct medical and health care services, while productivity losses account for nearly $1.8 billion.


  • Men who as children witnessed their parents¹ domestic violence were twice as likely to abuse their own wives than sons of nonviolent parents

Year of the Woman, not Title IX, and more than tits and ass!

BettyJean Downing Kling

Women triumphed at the Olympics this year by working hard and the ladies teams won by working together! Imagine how much more can be won so much more than a few crotchety items! A few less battered bodies, dead women, raped children, safer streets and schools perhaps? Look at the bigger picture- Imagine the Majority United?

Every country represented at the Olympics also brought women, please try to remember that all women count regardless of their ideology.  Interestingly – there is no Title IX in China or in Russia or in Romania but they send plenty of women and they have been winning since the very beginning because they train them well regardless of women’s lib. For Left leaning—err Democrat, moles disguised as national women’s groups to hail to the chief pushing Liberal politics as the reason for our women  winning this year flies in the face of all the countries who have sent women and who support them financially as well. Our Government doesn’t financially support our female athletes, so title 9 is less valuable compared to the full support even Commy nations give their women – so let’s get off of the right left crap about it! I am grateful T9 let gave females opportunities but stop exploiting everything for the Party’s sake and start working instead for all women. Geeze don’t we ever get tired of being party first — instead of all women come before either party?

Forget the politics and unite women behind an idea, that idea being that all women in the US are valuable regardless of left or right divisive issues that separate them. Bring FEMALES together rather than let the ‘all boys clubs’ – both of them pull us apart.

Stop with the right left division and let’s get the majority united. Try this for a change — appeal to women without alluding to party- right or left or their friggen vaginas or reproduction. Try appealing to the fact that 4 a day are beaten to death – or otherwise murdered t the hand of an intimate partner and we need stricter and enforceable laws. Let’s appeal to women who need our support in divorce and family courts- those who have their children stripped from their loving arms and placed in the care of their abusers or worse pedophiles. Let’s appeal to the indecency women face in our court systems and the plight of the poor in education and leave the birth control to another day. How about we appeal to life and our children and stopping the death of children and their mother’s lives for a change, more women and children face those needs on a daily basis. Can we speak up for safer streets, and food, and schools and jobs for just a few weeks here? Appeal to the fact that we need to make this a safer place for our daughters, a more equal playing field. Can you concentrate on that for just a few months- just long enough to get this bill passed or must you turn off half the women in this country to satisfy the other half?  Are thou really going to cut the baby in half over and over and over again?  What about the battered women- what about the mothers- what about the lost children? Does anyone else count anymore? Look at the bigger picture- Imagine the Majority United?

For those of you who get it and are willing to use a softer approach try this letter and send it to both R’s and D’s.

Good Luck and Thanks you so much for your common sense!

“I am calling today to ask that (Senator/Representative) ________________ give his/her support to resolutions moving through the House and Senate that call for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, Many organizations have been working on this since it was first introduced in the 1920’s by suffragist Alice Paul. I feel that the Equal Rights Amendment is important issue in this coming election and is bi-partisan.

There is no excuse for it not to be enacted in my lifetime. I want to see Equal Rights for Women specifically spelled out in The Constitution. Women comprise 52% of the electorate and in return for our votes this November we are asking for your immediate support on: H.J.Res.47: and S.J.Res.39:

No longer pacified by promises, we require a true demonstration of value for value. In return for votes from our large voting bloc we demand equal rights under The Constitution.

I hope I can count on (Senator/Representative) ___________’s support on this issue.

Thank you.”

H.J.Res.47: Removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment. (aka: The Three State Solution)

S.J.Res.39: A joint resolution removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment.

The Text:


Removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstanding any time limit contained in House Joint Resolution 208 of the Ninety-second Congress, second session, the article of amendment proposed to the States in that joint resolution shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution whenever ratified by three additional States.

Democrats work to keep the war on women raging

BettyJean Downing Kling

Pres. Obama made 508 campaign promises, astonishingly he only made 8 for women, the 8 didn’t include extending the deadline to ratify the ERA. That is 1.6% of the promises for 52% of the population and not all were kept. American women and Democratic women who support him and swear he what a feminist looks like should be not only disappointed – they should be furious. In his first two years – he had free rein yet talk of an equal rights amendment was never even put on the table. The ladies deserve better and deserve equality. Democrats need all the women’s votes they can get and they better do something more to EARN them! How dare they talk about a war on women in light of that record and the one below pointed out by the RNC.

“The Legions Of Unmarried Women Who Helped Lift Mr. Obama To Victory In 2008″ Are Up For Grabs In 2012. “As much as Ms. Sheradin is up for grabs in this election, so too are the legions of unmarried women who helped lift Mr. Obama to victory in 2008. Single women are one of the country’s fastest-growing demographic groups – there are 1.8 million more now than just two years ago. They make up a quarter of the voting-age population nationally, and even more in several swing states, including Nevada.” (Shaila Dewan, “In Weak Economy, An Opening To Court Votes Of Single Women,” The New York Times
, 8/7/12)

“In Several Interviews, Women Of Various Political Stripes Said They Believed That The President Could Do Little To Help Them Personally, Or Bolster Prosperity In General.” (Shaila Dewan, “In Weak Economy, An Opening To Court Votes Of Single Women,” The New York Times
, 8/7/12)


Since President Obama Took Office, The Unemployment Rate For Women Has Increased From 7.0 Percent To 8.1 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/12)

Since Obama Took Office, The Number Of Unemployed Women Has Increased By 860,000 To 5.9 Million (5,865,000). (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/12)

Since Obama Took Office, The Unemployment Rate For Women Between 20 And 24 Years Old Has Increased From 10.3 Percent To 11.7 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/12)

Since Obama Took Office, The Number Of Unemployed Women Between 20 And 24 Years Old Has Increased By 121,000 To 851,000. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/12)

Single Women “Have Not Fared Well During The Obama Administration.” “In an election focused on the economy, single women present a complicated case. They already earn less than married people and single men, and they have not fared well during the Obama administration. They have had a harder time than married women paying rent, getting medical care and finding jobs. While the jobless rate for married women has stayed relatively low, at 5.6 percent compared with 2.6 percent before the recession, the rate for unmarried women has risen to 11 percent, from a prerecession level of 6 percent.” (Shaila Dewan, “In Weak Economy, An Opening To Court Votes Of Single Women,” The New York Times
, 8/7/12)

Los Angeles Times Headline: “Newly Created Jobs Go Mostly To Men.” (Don Lee, “Newly Created Jobs Go Mostly To Men,” Los Angeles Times, 7/15/12)


An Unnamed High-Ranking Female Official: Obama “Has A Real Woman Problem.” “‘The president has a real woman problem,’ an unnamed high-ranking female official told Suskind. ‘The idea of the boys’ club being just Larry and Rahm isn’t really fair. He [Obama] was just as responsible himself.‘” (Nia-Malika Henderson and Peter Wallsten, “Book: Women In Obama White House Felt Excluded And Ignored,” The Washington Post
, 9/16/11)

In Obama White House’s “Rough-And-Tumble Environment … Female Staff Members Often Felt Bruised.” “In this rough-and-tumble environment, the book reports, female staff members often felt bruised. At a dinner with Mr. Obama in November 2009, several top female aides – including Anita Dunn, who was the communications director, and Christina Romer, the chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisers – told the president about being talked over in meetings by male colleagues or cut out altogether.” (Mark Landler, “Book Details Dissension In Obama Economic Team,” The New York Times, 9/15/11)

Dee Dee Myers, Former Clinton Press Secretary: “Women Are Obama’s Base, And They Don’t Seem To Have Enough People Who Look Like The Base Inside Of Their Own Inner Circle.” “‘Women are Obama’s base, and they don’t seem to have enough people who look like the base inside of their own inner circle,’ said Dee Dee Myers, a former press secretary in the Clinton administration whose sister, Betsy, served as the Obama campaign’s chief operating officer.” (Mark Leibovich, “Man’s World At The White House? No Harm, No Foul, Aides Say,” The New York Times, 10/24/09)

According To Valerie Jarrett, “Early On, Some Women Did Not Have A Direct Relationship With The President.” “‘Early on, some women did not have a direct relationship with the president,’ she [Valerie Jarrett] said later. ‘I felt direct interaction, where they could speak freely, would help.’ The first lady did not attend, but she was an invisible presence: for years, she had urged her husband to open himself up to a more diverse array of advisers, including by gender, and she quietly let it be known that she thought the story raised important questions.” (Jodi Kantor, The Obamas, 2012, p. 147)

Some Women, “Like Romer, Felt Strongly That They Were Excluded From An Internal Boys’ Club.” “The attendees couldn’t quite tell if Obama really wanted to be there. He began by glancing at his watch and effectively said, okay, we have this much time, according to one attendee. That’s how he was, always on schedule, always crossing an item off his to-do list, rarely falling into open-ended conversations. ‘Are there genuine concerns that I need to know about?’ the president asked, looking around the table. There were, although not exactly the ones he may have expected. The women were divided on how necessary the gathering was from a pure gender point of view. A few, like Romer, felt strongly that they were excluded from an internal boys’ club, but others were indifferent: they had been around Washington a long time, risen to powerful positions, and did not care who the president invited to play golf. As the women went around the table, taking turns speaking, they did not exactly cut loose. ‘It was an awkward, silent dinner where we were given one glass of wine and a piece of fish,’ one participant said. But many of them agreed on a more central concern.” (Jodi Kantor, The Obamas, 2012, p. 147)

Former Economic Advisor Christina Romer: “I Felt Like A Piece Of Meat.” “‘I felt like a piece of meat,’ Christina Romer, former head of the Council of Economic Advisers, said of one meeting in which Suskind writes she was ‘boxed out’ by Summers.” (Nia-Malika Henderson, “Book: Women In Obama White House Felt Excluded And Ignored,” The Washington Post
, 9/16/11)

“The Notion That Women Have Long Been ‘The Heart Of The Obama Organization’ Doesn’t Necessarily Line Up With The President’s Largely Male List Of Political Advisers And Senior Staff.” (Alexander Burns, “Women For Obama,” Politico, 11/15/11)

Anita Dunn: Obama’s Problems With Women Began During His 2008 Campaign. ” Dunn told Suskind that the problems began during the 2008 campaign. At one point she was viewing a television ad with other campaign officials and was shocked to see no women in the spot. ‘There isn’t a single woman in this ad,’ Dunn said. ‘I was dumbfounded. It wasn’t like they were being deliberately sexist. It’s just there was no one offering a female perspective.'” (Nia-Malika Henderson and Peter Wallsten, “Book: Women In Obama White House Felt Excluded And Ignored,” The Washington Post
, 9/16/11)

Obama Is “Responsible For A Work Atmosphere That Marginalizes And Ignores Women.” “Coverage in the Washington Post and a new book by Ron Suskind has focused attention on the frustration of Obama’s female advisers. But the problem has been obvious almost since Obama took office. And while the explanations so far have blamed members of the mostly-departed boys club-Robert Gibbs, Rahm Emanuel-Obama himself is responsible for a work atmosphere that marginalizes and ignores women.” (Amy Sullivan, “The White House Boys’ Club: President Obama Has A Woman Problem,” Time’s “Swampland,” 9/21/11)

Former Communications Director Anita Dunn: “This Place Would Be In Court For A Hostile Workplace.” (Nia-Malika Henderson, “Book: Women In Obama White House Felt Excluded And Ignored,” The Washington Post
, 9/16/11)

Dunn: “It Actually Fit All Of The Classic Legal Requirements For A Genuinely Hostile Workplace To Women.” (Nia-Malika Henderson, “Book: Women In Obama White House Felt Excluded And Ignored,” The Washington Post
, 9/16/11)

White House Female Employees Earn 18 Percent Less Than Their Male Colleagues. ” Amid the Republicans’ alleged ‘war on women,’ female employees in the Obama White House earn considerably less than their male colleagues, records show. According to the 2011 report compiled by the White House, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).” (Kenric Ward, “Barack Obama’s White House Pays Women 18 Percent Less Than Men,” Sunshine State News, 4/12/12)

Apparently the DNC prefers to stir the abortion and Birth Control pill pot that keeps women fighting among themselves for the sake of party votes rather than offer Equality for all women which could unify women.