Louisa: Gone too soon!

Louisa - Love of my Life my baby girl!

Louisa – Love of my Life my baby girl!

Louisa Passed October 27. 2013

Just a reminder Advocates against domestic violence. To date there have been ONLY 5 contributions!

Is it really possible that after all my years of service to women;s issues – that only 2 women showed up in court to show solidarity on Louisa’s behalf against her attacker and only the same two women came to her funeral this October? Is it also impossible to expect a few bucks be put in the mailbox because after 4 months there are only 5 donations? Silly me – I thought enough donations would pour in to cover a brick for both daughters, but not even one single brink has been covered!


Was it also probable that a man who never knew any of us had a seedling planted in her honor after reading her story?

If we can’t do better than this – then perhaps that is why we are not taken seriously when we beg for help with domestic violence! Perhaps that is why 4 women a day are murdered by a male they know/or love/trust! If we don’t help each other why should anyone else care?

My two daughters Denise and Louisa both victims of Domestic violence – serious head wounds shown below are now gone! I am left alone and I was hopeful not left alone to carry on to fight against Domestic Violence.

I am not only fighting for all three of us, I am fighting for you and your daughters too! Let us hope others will join the fight so NO other mothers are left childless too!

In lieu of flowers I asked please donate in Louisa’s name toward $400.00 needed for a center circle brick in Van Saun Park’s “Pathway to Freedom” sponsored by “Shelter our Sisters” in Hackensack, NJ 07601 (any amount no matter how small will be appreciated)

Contribute IN LOUISA RICHARDSON’s name directly to
405 State Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601

This mother has lost her two daughters – her best friends and has had insult added to injury: no flowers, no advocates, no visitation room full of visitors- I may never get over that! Was our five year fight against DV in vain? I expected so much more and she deserved so much more- may the Lord have mercy on the souls of those who ignored her plight and her fight and did not bother to pay last respects!

I can easily afford the damned bricks – you are all missing the point of this devastation! I need to know my daughter’s agony counted for something! They were beautiful before he bludgeoned one’s head in and blew the other ones brains out!

This is domestic violence and we all need to stand up!

Denise was dying from Cancer when George bludgeoned her

Denise was dying from Cancer when George bludgeoned her

Louisa crying out for help in a nursing home after loosing half her head

Louisa crying out for help in a nursing home after loosing half her head

Not a women's advocate in site when I needed support in court!
Not a women’s advocate in site when I needed support in court!