Remy Martin should be boycotted

On the subway they have plastered the walls with posters depicting a white woman with a chain wound around her neck and a black woman “playfully” holding the chain in her mouth, as if about to yank it.  
If the races were reversed there would be an outcry.
Whatever the pervs may try to rationalise about sex play, whatever, the message is that it’s open season on white women, and with so many liberal males “getting thrills” up their legs at misogynist Obama & cohorts, it’s just increasing tacit permission for violence against women – this time, racial violence against white women, and some of us have already had to deal with that – alone and unsupported by higher (political) ranks in law enforcement.
I’m tired of race blackmail.
A man whose family kidnapped other Africans and sold them into slavery (LUO tribe) has stolen the White House and no one wants to challenge him.  Even Mike Huckabee is going on about how great it is that an African American “won” the election and how far we have come.
Meanwhile, slavery is a blip on Africa’s history.  Violence against is a millennia old tradition.  Plagiary, intellectual theft, assault battery, kitchen fires, witches pyres, widows pyres, ridicule, “EDP” – “she’s crazy” mother in law jokes, murdered brides, murdered wives, battered female children, dying rooms for female infants, etc., etc.
Enough with the brochures and the 800 numbers.  Action now!
Deirdre  (Dara McNamara)

4 Responses

  1. And if someone witnesses you trying to destroy or alter the ad, you may be called racist.

  2. I am white and in no way racist but I feel that when those two get in the White House we are going to see a lot more of the kind of behavior as the ad on the bus. I think we are going to see black supremacy trying to take hold. I am a nurse and have already seen it to some degree at work this past week.

  3. As a black female I think its time white people stop being afraid of being a racist. Jesus told us that people would lie, call us names and abuse us. Seriously, white people need to stop feeling guilty about being called the term when they clearly are not behaving in a racist manner.

    Instead we need to focus on being the best that we can possibly be.

    Black supremacy is a joke but many will try it. Even Shirley Cesar (great gospel singer) said Obamas victory is vindication for black people. folks, talk a look at the black community? Do you really think a black man in the presidential office can overturn all the crime, poverty, ignorance, bad decisions, bad opportunities rife in many portion of the community.

    Take a look at BET and see what black media feels about black women?? Folks its not good. Keep the faith, keep working and keep coming up with great ideas. Truth will prevail and women will lead this nation.

  4. Thank you jm as I have said so many times before In a country where RACISM is not tolerated SEXISM obviously is! Racism is manufactured where none exists, and sexism has become a vehicle for financial gain. Speak one negative word- against Obama—just say, for example, you did not vote for him, and you will be immediately confronted and questioned as to why not. God forbid you reply that you did not trust him based on the documented record of his lies. You’re instantly branded a racist, one who would rather vote for a so-called illiterate, unfit mother who wears her clothes too tight and abuses her power while seeing Russia from some remote mountaintop. Before you can even respond, you will be barraged with a litany of stories about her record, all of which are well rehearsed and have not a shred of truth to them and which extend to berating her family, including her minor children.

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