Obama vs. Carter

Another Rant By: BettyJean Kling

Update: I never said Jimmy Carter was perfect as a man or a president – the comparisaons here are strickly on the isssues I outlined.  I chose to discuss how I compare him to Obama on women- on christianity on being a politician.  I am not going into their entire lives but on how they view women – racism and thier friends. Just a simple comparison. I thought I made that clear. I apologize for any isunderstanding. 

I admire Jimmy Carter – I have read all his books and I so agree with his little author friend (whose name escapes me now died at 12 from MS) who named Carter “the peace maker”. The measure of a man it seems is different than the measure of a president and many realize this was a far greater former president than a president and let me tell you why. He was not a politician. He was and is simply a man of honor. So rare we did not know what to do with one!

Now Jimmy carter – if you bother to read his books will unfold for you what a real man looks like – I doubt many men can hold a candle to him and this current president has not nor ever will judging by all I have seen . You might say well wait he was a community organizer. He sure was- I’ll give you that but what I am about to show you is something I know a little more about so that is what I am going to talk about instead.

Here we have two Democrats. One grew up in the south where there was a whole lot of bigotry and hate toward blacks and he has a lifetime and a trail to prove how he handled that- one to be very proud of. Carter a white man never wrote any book espousing hate for the colored man, on the contrary he wrote many about how despicable this hatred was. The other who never lived in a ghetto that I know of and lived a rather quiet life wrote books showing distaste and distrust for the white man.

Both attended the same church for a long period of time – I am not even going to bother to recall the kind of preaching Obama sat and listen to for 20 years and then denied every being there while that was going on. Suffice it to say it was racist – if I felt racially hurt – it was racist!

Carter on the other hand sat in Baptist churches and took a very long time to realize that Christianity while teaching and preaching love thy neighbor as thyself was really not treating women as well as they should. Suffice it to say it was sexist – if I felt sexist and that hurt me – it was sexist!

As of where we are now. I got the following from an Obama supporter and it prompted me to make this comparison and ask a simple question. Carter after 60 some odd years in the Baptist church realized that organized religion is no friend to women and along with others formed The Elders,

Discrimination and abuse wrongly backed by doctrine are damaging society, argues the former US president.
“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status …” (Article 2, Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

If Obama, without knowing the facts, can use his position to make a statement

Obama will not denounce the vulgarities used against women

WRONG! This is what a SEXIST looks like! Proof? Obama will not denounce the vulgarities used against women. Ms. Mag and NOW is wrong also for not calling out Mr. Obama for his failure to step up to the plate in the first place but this blatant mischaracteristion of Mr. Obama as a feminist in what appears to be a superman pose coming to save the day is a slap in the face. Obama is a failure to women's rights, MS. magazine a failure to uphold women's values and NOW and obvious sell-out to the left wing. all three join TMU Hall of Shame JULY 2009

 regarding racism where none exists, I have to wonder why with all the blatant sexism and misogyny displayed to our female candidates these past two years, Mr. Obama could not find it in his heart to say one word?

One has to ponder the reason? Is this racism? Is it sexism? Is it politics? Clearly – it is all three.

The following is a comment I found on my blog from worldtraveler – she gets it! It is time to stop the nonsense!

Stop the politics as usual! Stop the partisanship! Stop the race baiting and racism! And above all else- STOP SEXISM!

The Sarah Palin t-shirts are shameful and awful, as are the comments and jokes about her “sexiness” which are meant to degrade her. There was actually a porn film made with a Sarah Palin character in it. There was no outcry. Hillary Clinton was spoofed as well. We do not sexualize male politicians in order to humiliate them. These pornographic films only prove that porn is made to degrade women, and that is porn’s chief purpose. Porn is not simply about freedom in regards to sexuality.

I am a supporter of Obama, but I wish he would address the mean-spiritedness of the media on both sides of the spectrum. I wish he would denounce sexism against all women who are politicians. I wish he would criticize comments made about Palin looking “slutty”, the t-shirts, the insults about her mothering and her children, the comments that slam her for having five kids. Letterman’s octomom comment about her left me speechless. Same with the “family planning” jokes we hear going around. Do we have conservatives making jokes about women who are famous and who have openly admitted to having abortions? Can you imagine if that happened? I think the large women’s organizations would go crazy. But they stand by when liberals judge Sarah Palin for having five kids, or a later in life baby. They stand by when she is criticized for having a child with a disability as opposed to doing what they think she should have done- have an abortion like a “responsible” person would have done. Of course, what is missed here is the argument that could be turned around on them: Why can you say that, but you cannot say that women who have abortions are irresponsible because they did not take their birth control?

Let me be clear that I am pro-choice. However, I am no longer giving money to the large women’s Pro Choice orgs because they only defend some women against the sexist “You’re an irresponsible bad woman” argument and not all women. In fact, some liberal feminists have blogged about Sarah Palin’s irresponsibility for having the later in life baby. They do not see their own hypocrisy and they do not believe that women who have abortions and did not use birth control are irresponsible. Again, I am pro-choice. But they are unfair and do not acknowledge their bias.

9 Responses

  1. lol..your Obama will not denounce the vulgarities used against women….and you support him? wow.. you must be a yellow dog.. a person that at any cost will not support anything (even if its dangerous) other than what their party says… basically followers.. too bad,, I’m an ex democrat.. I’m pissed and I’ll tell Obama, Kennedy, Kerry, Dukakis, Pelosi, and the rest of them to their faces…

    • Obama used sexism to get elected, how can he denounce it. We have to refuse to tolerate it when used against any woman in any party.

    • Well brava for you – that is because you have a brain and know how to use it! heheheheh I would be laughing to if it were not so damned pitiful that some people can be that dumb!

      And MS mag rag and NOW are the dumbist of them all!

    • Wow.

      How unkind.

      I am an independent. When I speak out against things the Democratic party does, I am attacked by liberal Dems. When I write this, I am attacked as a person who “must be a yellow dog, a person that at any cost will not support anything other than what the party says…basically followers.”

      You don’t even know me. This is a personal attack on my character. You did not stick to the issue. Instead, you called me a yellow dog, a follower, and stated that I am capable of supporting things that “are dangerous”. This is a kinda serious character attack; it reflects assumptions you made about me without knowing me.

      It reminds me of what I was writing about, really. Palin is attacked for her opinions and stances but not directly; many in the media do not like her, so they talk about her children or her mothering ability to hurt her and make her look like a bad woman…so she can be dismissed. Then they don’t have to address her opinions or stances at all.

      She must be a threatening person.


  2. My reflections of last year prompt me to recall the joke about the Texas farmer, who’s doctor asked him what he thought of Obama. “Post Turtle,” he said. “You drive down the road and see a turtle atop a fence post and you KNOW, he didn’t get himself up there, and you know, he can’t get himself down from there, and you just have to wonder about the durn fool that put him there.

  3. Great article, Betty Jean. However, I must say that while I was happy to hear that Jimmy Carter denounced his Southern Baptist Church and finally left for their sexism, I can’t but wonder what took him so long. I also can’t help but see the obvious… he totally and completely snubbed and disrespected Bill Clinton to his face — he didn’t even want to stand next to him a few months ago when all of the Presidents were taking a group photo. He also stood behind Obama from beginning to end over Hillary. He said many unpleasant and erroneous things about her too during the Primaries, and blatantly and openly called for her to step aside during the primaries. So, kudos to him about leaving the Church, although I ask what took him so long. And, he will always have a question mark in my mind as to why he dis’d Hillary the way that he did. He’s a nice guy, but sometimes he just didn’t seem to get “it” or maybe he’s just a little slow on the uptake.

  4. I stopped having any regard for Jimmy Carter when, after speaking out against all the election fraud in foreign countries, he said what the Democrats did in the primary to cheat Hillary out of the nomination was just fine with him. We need our election rules to be followed just like people in Botswana or wherever.

  5. sorry off topic but I though BJ would want to see Dr Taitz on the colbert report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBa_xayTF0g she was a good sport.

    By the way I agree with Marcy. Carter turned his back on Hillary (who supported him!) how can you do that to someone who helped your campaign out? Obama is just like Carter he will not denounce vulgarities used against women just like he and carter didnt denounce the vulgarities in the primary.

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