If ads for men… like ads for women… there’d be gnashing of teeth

For the man who HAS everything he needs and then some!

The future of men’s bathing suits…

perhaps from  ‘Victor’s Secret Locker’

Imagine the outrage we would hear from men if they had to endure these posters on the subway walls and buses. Imagine if they were forced to sit with their sons and see them on billboards as they travel down the highways. And imagine the humiliation if they had to explain them to their young sons as they flooded these commercials on TV during the baseball games and as they turned up on almost every page in magazines at the dentist’s office and when they appeared in half page glossys in the Sunday papers and everday and everywhere and ad can posible be placed! I wonder how fast they would be screaming to have these taken down.

Women need to learn a few things from men. A man would never stand by quietly for this type of advertising yet we allow our daughters to grow up on a steady diet of sexualization and humiliation from the moment they are born.

So tell me would your husband allow your son to be subjected to this kind of advertising? Then why does he allow your daughter to be subjected to Victoria’s Secret and worse? Better yet why do you allow it? We have become like the frog put in a cold pot of water who stayed while the water was brought to a boil and was slowly cooked to death. Wake UP!

See Got 35 minutes Ladies watch this video – “Killing us Softly” to see How they depict women in advertising and no one is shocked at all yet the photos below seem shocking you! They pale in comparison to what our daughters are exposed to daily from the minute they are born till the day they die and is probably the leading reason women are slaughtered daily and beaten and disrespected not only by men but by other women daily . http://4wea.wordpress.com/2009/01/06/got-35-minutes-ladies-watch-this-video/

Imagine these ads gracing our subway walls!att1





No ERA for MO, it was Fixed to Fail

Cross posted by Bettyjean Kling from http://joliejustus.blogspot.com/  thanks for finding it JoJo
Jolie Justice is MO State Senator 10th District

The Senate Rules Committee today heard testimony both for and against SCR 3, a resolution calling on the Missouri General Assembly to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

This is the third year in a row I have sponsored the resolution and I wish I could say I am surprised by the intense opposition, but not much surprises me anymore.

We didn’t get enough notice for the hearing to get a large number of witnesses to testify in favor of the legislation. Fortunately, two brave women came to town to testify and I truly appreciate their support.

Although the ERA seems like a no-brainer for the majority of Americans, there were several people on hand to testify against the bill. These organizations all have full-time lobbyists in the capitol, so they were not affected by the short notice. The following groups testified against equal rights for women: Concerned Women for America, Missouri Family Network, Eagle Forum, Missouri RoundTable for Life, Missourians United for Life and Missouri Right to Life.

This is the same group of folks who testify against the ERA every year. They list a parade of horribles that will alledgedly occur if gender equality is added to the Constitution including legalized gay marriage, state-funded abortion and mandatory unisex bathrooms. This year their testimony was limited to the abortion issue, which in my opinion is completely unfounded. Missouri has gender equality in its Constitution and I haven’t seen any lack of abortion regulations passed in this state.

The silliest line of questioning came from Senator Gary Nodler (R-Joplin) who asked whether ratifying the ERA would require the government to spend equal sums on money for ovarian cancer research in both women and men, even though men don’t have ovaries. He asked the same question about women and testicular cancer. I provided an intelligent and accurate response regarding how a court would handle such an absurd case at which point he cut me off with a preposterous rant that started with a reference to the “pregnant man” and ended with the Senator bashing the competence and integrity of judges.

Despite all that, I felt good about today’s hearing. I put forth a commonsense argument that the majority of Americans agree with. The opposition relied on their old standbys — fear and hate — and made no logical argument for defeating the resolution.

In the end I know the Senate will not pass the resolution. I will introduce it again next year and we will go through this circus again and again until we have a legislature that is committed to simple concepts like equality. It took 144 years to secure the right for women to vote. We’ve only been working on ratification of the ERA for 37 years. If we can’t get it done, our daughters will pick up the fight when we are gone.

If you feel passionately about this issue, I would encourage you to contact the members of the Senate Rules Committee and urge them to pass the resolution out of committee, so we can have a full debate on the Senate floor.

Transcending: Words on Women and Strength by Kelly Corrigan

Please tarry here for 5 minutes- you will be glad you did!


Submitted by:  Carolyn Cook

Missouri held their ERA resolution hearing in the Senate yesterday. The Committee gave the senator, our newest shero, Jolie Justus, one day’s notice to get her coalition to the hearing. Ironically 7 anti-ERA groups were there and ready to go…. Hmmmmm, I smell a rat in the Senate who leaked this information out to the Phyllis Schalfly’s (Eagle Forum) among others prior to the ERA advocates 24 hour notice. Bastards!

Needless to say they didn’t take a vote yesterday. There is still time to register your support!

Please click on the links below and make phone calls/emails, get this out on Face Book, and feminist bloggers to call these legislators from everywhere and express your views that Missouri’s local issue is of national concern to women! We are watching and we will take note of their support or opposition to our equality in the US Constitution.

These cowards cannot remain in the dark in their opposition to women being recognized as citizens with full rights equal to men. The ERA is not outdated or a has been. The US Constitution and the lawmakers who represent the women and men of Missouri have had 86 years to consider this amendment. Women have been patient long enough! It is time to honor every citizen in Missouri and our country!

America has come a long way since 1982. Women are on the front lines of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan defending our Country and swearing to uphold and defend a Constitution that will not grant us equal rights as Citizens of a democracy??????? How can you promote justice and freedom around the world and not grant it to all citizens here.

We will not be silenced any longer!

Missouri State Senate
Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee


Free US Now

Free US Now




History is herstory too. ~Author Unknown 




Yeah! Let’s do it for ourselves- Sisters

Enjoy My friends: Compliments of  ‘The Other One’ who figures to quiet my troubled soul I might rock my hips! It works who knew- let’s rock! Turn up the sound, and don’t forget to shake it till you break it.  You’ll feel better- we all will.

And Thank you to PUMA Pac and all it’s members who called and wrote all through the night with support. puma1 

Who reminds us, one rough week is nothing when surrounded by the love and strength of  so many wonderful and strong sisters. What a shower of strength we all show one another when ever one of us may look shakey or have a rough day or week or have a meltdown- Let’s Roar! We held up for Hill and for Sarah and even for lil old me . I was personally almost down on one knee but Puma’s lifted me right back up.  We are one solid group – we can do anything! You all know who you are and I love you.  And not to be forgotten – we have many wonderful brothers too- and you know who you are .

No one abandoned Louisa’s Law!  Momma jitters my bad! Let’s roll- in fact let’s rock and roll. Let’s do it for ourselves- Go Puma pac! Visit http://pumapac.org/action_center.html

Double Click Arrow – You may be taken to You Tube to See the video

NOW Urges Nomination of Sen. Stabenow as HHS


NOW logo

For Immediate Release
Contact: Mai Shiozaki, 202-628-8669, ext. 116; cell 202-641-1906


NOW Urges Nomination of Sen. Debbie Stabenow as Secretary of Health and Human Services

February 3, 2009

With the withdrawal of Sen. Tom Daschle from consideration, the National Organization for Women urges President Barack Obama to nominate another strong and consistent advocate for universal health care to the position of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) has long focused on health care as a priority, and with her background as a social worker she is well positioned to take the helm of this agency that is so critical to women and families.

Sen. Stabenow’s first bill in the Senate was the Medical Equity and Drug Savings Act to lower prescription drug prices by encouraging competition, and she has been a stalwart champion of full health coverage. The National Association for Home Care named her a Home Health Hero, and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare bestowed on Stabenow their highest award.

With the nomination of Sen. Judd Gregg, the fourteen filled cabinet departments will be headed by eleven men and three women. Adding a highly-qualified woman, such as Sen. Stabenow, would increase the representation of half the population at the cabinet table, while adding health care and human needs expertise to HHS.


Daschle hopes dashed- and of course it’s a woman’s fault!

President Obama's choice for government performance officer Nancy Killefer withdrew her name from consideration, possibly causing problems for HHS nominee Tom Daschle. (Linda Davidson / staff/ The Washington Post)

President Obama's choice for government performance officer Nancy Killefer withdrew her name from consideration, possibly causing problems for HHS nominee Tom Daschle. (Linda Davidson / staff/ The Washington Post)

Another Rant by: BettyJean Kling



Another one bites the dust ! and another one bites the dust !

Poor poor Daschle – if it hadn’t been for a woman he might have gotten away with it!

If that is the case then I am damned glad she is the reason he got caught! I am sick and damned tired of these bastards getting away with this crap- funny when a woman does something – she gets caught- remember Martha Stewart? All of a sudden there is a convenient scapegoat to blame the downfall of Daschle.

They are blaming it on Nancy Killefer. They even have her pictured here looking like the poster child of GUILT! And it reads How Killeffer hurts Daschle- let me makes this abundantly clear- Daschel HURT Daschle.


UPDATE 12:48 p.m.: Tom Daschle has withdrawn from consideration as the Health and Human Services Secretary designate, citing his desire not to be a distraction to the president.

Original Post

The decision of Nancy Killefer to withdraw her name from consideration as President Obama’s chief performance officer due to tax questions has the potential to further complicate former Sen. Tom Daschle‘s (S.D.) already rocky confirmation process as secretary of the Health and Human Service Department.


In a letter of resignation released by the White House, Killefer wrote: “I have also come to realize in the current environment that my personal tax issue of D.C. Unemployment tax could be used to create exactly the kind of distraction and delay those duties must avoid.”


Killefer is the the third Obama pick to face tax questions; Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was forced to apologize for not paying $34,000 in Social Security and Medicare taxes but ultimately was confirmed while Daschle continues to fight for his political life amid revelations that he had failed to pay more than $140,000 in back taxes.

As we wrote this morning, Daschle faces major problems — the optics of having not paid taxes on a car and driver provided by a wealthy donor are TERRIBLE — but will likely be confirmed barring any other revelations.


Killefer’s resignation could be those “other” revelations.

While the Killefer resignation is obviously not directly connected to Daschle, it certainly will have an effect on the political environment in which the former South Dakota senator finds himself battling for his nomination.

As any reporter knows, three related events amount to a storyline — meaning that Obama and his senior aides are now certain to face a barrage of questions (starting with today’s press briefing) on whether the president has a problem with his vetting process for top Cabinet picks. Obama’s interviews this afternoon with the top anchors for the major networks will now almost certainly lead off with questions about Killefer, Geithner and Daschle.

Obviously, that is not the narrative the Obama White House wants dominating the news coverage as it tries to sell the economic stimulus plan to a somewhat skeptical Senate.

All of that spells trouble for Daschle — as does the continued drumbeat on the story, which was kept up this morning by two developments.

The first: a New York Times editorial calling for Daschle to step aside.


“Mr. Daschle is another in a long line of politicians who move cozily between government and industry,” reads the editorial. “We don’t know that his industry ties would influence his judgments on health issues, but they could potentially throw a cloud over health care reform. Mr. Daschle could clear the atmosphere by withdrawing his name.”

The second is an old Daschle campaign ad circulating among the Washington chattering class this morning that — irony of ironies — shows Daschle driving around in a beat-up Pontiac (and driving by a chauffeured limousine).


In politics, the context in which any given event happens and the way in which said event is perceived are absolutely critical when analyzing the outcome. Until this morning, Daschle looked like he would make it through the nomination fight — battered but confirmed. The Killefer revelations badly cloud Daschle’s prospects and make the next 24 to 48 hours even more critical.


We don’t need a new Agenda!

 Another Rant by: BettyJean Kling

N.O.W. Membership Determines the Issues

Member Driven
We don’t need a new agenda – we need to set the agenda on what is already ours!

 NOW can speak for us – BUT we have to join en mas now and drive the conversation! We have to join in our own areas- each in our own chapters so the money goes where we need it most and we need to drive home to national that they must represent US- if they are going to call themselves a national organization of women. We do not need some mouthpiece national spokesperson deciding what is best for US or telling US what is good for our ovaries or anything else. We need to decide about our own ovaries and make our own choices whatever they be and respect each other’s choices whatever they be! And from now on – I suggest we do just that. Let’s go Gals! We are the women of this nation if this is going to be the National Women’s Organization let’s lay claim our organization and lets run it!

Let’s go Gals!

We need a national organization and we have one. Yes I know – NOW has not done much for us in the last — well let’s just say — for quite some time in terms of ERA and fair pay etc. etc. They didn’t do much for Hillary or for Sarah in terms of media bias against women and what the hell have they done about Domestic Violence – child custody or sexism/misogyny in advertising not to mention they did not step up and out against MS to our satisfaction.

BUT- Let’s not forget NOW is member driven so just as we have not stepped up and done much about our own fate – we have not forced them to do much about our own fate- the truth is – it is our own damned fault- and we know it. We have become complacent- I am not sure how this happened but it did. Forget our differences – celebrate our womanhood- let us roar as One.

The Alice Pauls are few- but have heart we are seeing the stirrings again. I have women ranging from 16 to 84 asking me over and over – what can they do to help? Just this morning I answered 75 year old Ruthie who replied I totally agree. Just how we do it is another story. Too many women are brainwashed into thinking, still, “he will take care of you” bullshit. How can I help you get to the Women considering the personal load you are carrying?
ooxx, R

God help us – I just do not know – I feel like I am swimming upstream. If what they did to Hillary did not wake them up- you would have thought – the spectacle of tearing down Sarah and her daughter would have – but no. Then showing them the commercials of violence against women should have but still no. Then the domestic violence stats of 4 women murdered a day right here in the USA- still no. Now I am unveiling even more abuse of all age women by members of our own families by the use of our own children and grandchildren. We have shown how men are winning custody then trashing the non custodial mother. Along with so many others we have enlightened women who did not even know they don’t have equal rights with men. What more can We do and how much more can they take before they will rise up and say NO MORE?” 

Well the problem is seems is that women have been discouraged because every time they think they are going to be helped they hit another barrier and find they never have enough power to overcome. Money always buys off the one they though was going to lead the way. Alice Paul could not be bought. Even Women Count and The New Agenda have a seat at a political table along with MS magazine and would sell us out in a NY minute! We have seen it happen over and over and over again- so we have given up. BUT NOT I

Let’s not forget NOW issues are member driven – rather than reinvent the wheel- lets start with an existing national organization and rebuild her! She has good bones- She also has some very fine State Presidents and wonderful Local Chapter leaders championing ERA for example. Let’s not leave it in the hands of a few who can have their own damned Agenda- Let’s run it ourselves- Let’s do it! They say it’s Member driven- we know what we want- We want Equal Rights Under the Constitution first and foremost!

No I am not without doubt that the old leaders like it just the way it is – but if we join in numbers to big to ignore and we do this in Women’s Month to show we mean it- Come on Ladies! It can’t be as hard as breaking into the political machine let’s start here and then break into the political machine as a force to be reconed with! Let’s go Gals!

Look what Marcia Pappas is doing in NYS- Marcia is a regular contributor on our blog and on our radio show on many Monday nights. See blog piece two down.

Anger Managment for Abusers

Whatever it is that makes men so angry that they must abuse women, speak harshly to them, humiliate and degrade them  – perhaps they can take a lesson from this fellow about what a real man thinks and how he behaves and what it means to be a real man. I would be honored to have him in my family- as a son- a brother – a father .

Sincerely – this man is more complete than many I have had the displeasure to meet lately and certainly more complete than the politicians and media moguls that degraded American women this past election season.  This young man should be in charge of anger management course for abusive men but then there are only 24 hours in a day and how many places can this man be- so much to do – so little time

NOW calls for removal of Sen. Monserrate

Remember my blog piece about this? Oops- I accidentally smashed the glass then slashed her face and dragged her down a hall screaming!

Sunday, February 1, 2009 4:14 AM EST

ALBANY — The state chapter of a national women’s rights organization is calling for the removal of a state senator from office after news reports claimed that he allegedly beat his girlfriend.

Officials from the National Organization for Women gathered downtown Saturday to discuss the subject of violence against women and how it related to a pending legal case involving Sen. Hiram Monserrate.

Monserrate, a downstate legislator from Queens, was arrested in December for allegedly slashing the face of his girlfriend, Karla Giraldo, with shards of broken glass.

According to The Daily News, Giraldo, who reportedly needed 20 stitches for a wound over her eye, first told hospital staff that Monserrate broke a glass in his hand during a heated argument and stabbed her in the face with the shards before later changing her story and said it was an accident.

Organization officials were further enraged that Senate Majority Leader Malcom Smith recently appointed Monserrate as chair of the Consumer Protection Committee.

“It is time for every single lawmaker in New York state to denounce violence against women and to finally, once and for all, tell the truth,” said Marcia Pappas, president of NOW’s state chapter, who noted that violence against women is a hate crime.

Pappas went on to recite news reports which stated how Giraldo has allegedly abused her, before retracting her statement, which, according to Pappas, is common for victims who are scared of retribution.

“Although there is probably no legal bar to Monserrate being seated as a state senator, his elevation to a leadership position is a slap in the face for every woman in New York state — he must be asked to step down,” said Pappas. “Democrats hold a majority in our state government and they must use the power of their pens to stop violence against women both through strengthening legislation against these crimes and through the passage of laws to punish the perpetrators.”

Mary Richmond, chairwoman of NOW’s Albany chapter, briefly recounted some of her own experiences as a former battered woman and agreed with Pappas’ statement that it was common for victims to retract their accusations of abuse out of fear.

“We determine by what a woman looks like whether or not she is strong, but victims of domestic violence look exactly like me,” said Richmond.

“When I married my husband, I understood through the faith that I grew up with that you married someone for better or for worse, but I never anticipated that he would harm me,” Richmond continued. “After time, I realized that no matter what, it was his choice, not mine, as to whether he would use violence.”

Outside the NOW gathering, dozens of women protested Pappas’ statements with picket signs proclaiming Monserrate’s innocence and noting how he has been in support of women’s rights.

“Ms. Pappas joins a long list of people who have misconstrued the facts of this case,” said Martha Flores Vazquez, executive director and founder of Community Prevention Alternatives, who led the small protest. “Since day one, the senator’s girlfriend has stated her injuries were as a result of an accident.”

When asked what she thought about the protest against NOW’s position on the matter, Pappas said that it was typical behavior of abusers to “hide behind the skirts of women” and go to any extreme to try and prove their innocence.

For more information about this senator pig read my blog piece entitled
‘Oops- I accidentally smashed the glass then slashed her face and dragged her down a hall screaming!”
Read about all the proof they have on him including the video of her running from door to door in their building calling for help not one soul opened their door to her. Read about the video showing him dragging her back down the hallway and into the apartment screaming and read about the hospital staff that heard her original story of how he broke the glass and tried to gouge her eye out. Read about the pocket book they found in the basement and how they saw him toss it down the trash tube on video while screaming at her.
And — when you have 35 minutes – please go to my other blog and watch this video- you will not be sorry – it explains some of the reasons why women are being brutalized and how we can help stop it by standing up to the advertisers.
Got 35 Minutes Ladies/  Watch this Video!
Then perhaps you will understand why we MUST — absolutely MUST get it together NOW using NOW nationally to get the ERA Passed.
Tune in MONDAY S!
FreeUsNow For Women’s Right’s Radio Monday 8pm est
Call-in Number: (347) 838-8011