Whose Agenda is this anyway?

Unfortunately the very next day after a tongue lashing from Carville – TNA backed down and then got a tongue lashing from me. FreeMeNow on December 9th, 2008 6:17 pm

Please do not show us more of the same old agenda. When I saw that picture I saw an allusion to a gang rape. Did Carville scare you? Did the incoming administration or the transition team call? Then don’t make it look that way- it’s what you would have said of the other groups! So don’t back down and do not be not afraid!


This was wrong – very very wrong. I do not give a damned fig about rehabilitating this clown or his cohorts – I give a damned about sending a loud clear message that this is not a joking matter, we are not going to tolerate this.


Either we are going to stick to our guns or we are not – if you are going to back down – we might as well have stayed with NOW – what we need is a new agenda that does not back down that will stand up no matter what. You can not make this statement taken right from your own site one day where you are writing a press release including these statements:


“These antics ought to be summarily condemned by president-elect Obama. He ought to fire Jon Favreau. If he does not fire Favreau, he risks fostering the perception that he condones Favreau’s disrespect toward Sen. Clinton. He also risks encouraging this sort of behavior in other young men toward women who are not merely cardboard cutouts.


Drinking and sexual assault are a pernicious and persistent problem on college campuses.”


Amy Siskind, co-founder of The New Agenda, responds, “Favreau’s mix of alcohol and groping are hardly a laughing matter. It is a national catastrophe that 32% of our college women are victims of domestic violence. Every mother and father should be appalled by Favreau’s actions which would seem to be encouraging degradation and sexualization of women.”


Of course, it’s common practice to try to diminish the status of powerful women by invoking their sexuality in a demeaning manner, but is this what we should expect will occur in Whitehouse staff meetings?”


All the fancy fifteen dollar words mean nothing if you back down that easily. Forget the pretty ladylike crap – let go at their throats – it’s all they understand !


The testosterone  media et al stirs and rears its ugly head this is your next day’s press release?


To mark today’s International Human Rights Day – a day designated to affirm the rights of all people, The New Agenda called on White House speechwriter Jon Favreau to turn his bad behavior and poor judgment into a global good by volunteering at a battered women’s shelter


“Instead of a summary dismissal of Favreau, we believe more good could be gained by opening a national dialogue on domestic violence,” said Amy Siskind, co-founder of The New Agenda. “If Favreau were to mark today by making a public apology and volunteering at a battered women’s shelter it would show authentic contrition and channel the deluge of negative public attention he continues to receive toward a productive end.”



How does TNA come off with this stuff the next day  without looking like you are folding under either from Carville’s ridiculous scolding or some backroom deal or threat  if you expect our new group to be taken seriously.  What’s the story Amy? Free-US –Now!


We got involved and  we thought we were forging a new agenda and a lot of women were counting on this being the group that could make real advances and would  advocates for women.


Your first  Press release reflected a new agenda – your second  was the same old crap and it pissed me off to now end- it did not speak for me not millions of other women who do NOT under any circumstances ever again want anyone deciding for us! Do us a favor- ask next time- We not only own our own votes – we have our own voices – never speak for us like that again. I feel that spoke for all women as TNA seems to be the new voice of Americasn women- at least I hope we have become the new voice and I certainly do not want to get off on that soft footing! Whose agenda is this anyway? I want them to hear us ROAR not Purrrrr !


Fondly but firmly


77 Responses

  1. The New Agenda had it right the first time! They shouldn’t have doubted their original instincts.!

  2. Interesting that Carville would defend favreau the groper pastly because “it was only a cardboard photo”, meanwhile he’s all upset about the manipulated images of the same photo… and says “these people are sick”. He takes one set of the images as sick, and teh groper image as “just a piece of cardboard”. Seems contradictory…
    but then, why am I not surprised?

  3. “The Nothing New Agenda.” …
    teh only difference between them and NOW?
    It took TNNA much less time to fold.

  4. What does the TNA fear ? Carville? He is old news.
    I say lets go for it. Let women be the change that this country needs. What do we need to do ? I say we go after Favreau and have him be the laughing stock on SNL !! I say we write editorials. Who is on TV ? Greta ?

    Lights ! Camera ! Action !

  5. “It’s only a cardboard cutout…there is absolutely nothing wrong with this…”

    So why, when there was a bo effigy in a noose as a halloween prank, it was a big deal and removed immediately? Gee, it was only a stuffed shirt… oh golly!

  6. Carville needs to turn his PUMA’s this is pure politics of division. Carville is as afraid of women comming together as the republicans and he is trying to devide and conquer the women again…dont fall for it!

    Onward and upward new agenda~!

  7. Let’s go for it – this is silly – folding this fast over Carville! who the hell is he and that other bunch of idiots all laughing over this. It’s not funny!

    TNA needs to immediately- get the word out that the women will not stand for it and have risen up and demand more! TNA has to say they made a mistake – the women they represent – were not represented and are in arms over this- they must fess up ! thery face the music or loose credibility with us- if they do not represent us – they will be a group without women!

  8. Send a perpetrator into an environment of victims???
    wow wow wow…
    anything to rehab the perp, no matter what it does to the rehabilitation of abused women.
    What a joke.

  9. Go BJ! I find it interesting that the Blitz has on two men to discuss sexism?????

    The old boy team of pundits… sounds like a contrived setup to me. Left out again, Ladies!

    Let’s go get the misogynist goons…

  10. * * * * * * * * * * TODAY’S PROWL * * * * * * * * *

    1. Sign the Pumasphere Petition and Send it to Friends and Family:


    2. Send an email to the obama transition team, demanding that Favreau resign!


    3. Call Transition Headquarters:

    202-540-3000 press option # 2 for a live person

    OUR MESSAGE: Why Does Jon Favreau Still Have a Job??
    * Dee Dee Myers has an interesting story on her wikipedia page:
    “she felt she was being treated unfairly [as press secretary] on account of her gender. For instance, she revealed in her memoir that when she discovered that she had a lower salary than her predecessor, her request to have it raised was refused for budgetary reasons. When she pointed out that a certain male coworker in a position of less responsibility than herself was being paid more, they excused it as because he was older and had a family, which struck her as a disingenuous excuse for the favoritism.”

  11. The woman with the loudest and most powerful voice regarding Favreau would be Hillary Clinton. There is always the chance that she will reject his application, which will speak volumes.

  12. New Agenda, please dont cave in like other so-called womens organisations. Favreau should be fired immediately, and Obama should tender an immediate apology. Anything less is condescending to all women. Carville, go get some gender-sensitivity classes. We expect the New Agenda to stand up to this misogyny. No excuses, please.

  13. Damn Straight , BJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so incredibly disappointed in the New Agenda . Perhapse they are affraid that if they are too firm , the men they try so hard to make comfortable in the group will not feel welcome .

  14. perhaps – sheesh- typos ..

  15. Tx Tig
    They’re like the Ladies Auxillary to tteh male species.
    Ever listen to them on blog radio?
    we like men (ie we’re not lesbians)
    we welcome men
    we iinvite men
    we include men
    we appreciate men…
    …now, let’s trash NOW and Pelosi and any other women we don’t like!
    Let’s crucify these women, and tap favreau’s gang rape message on the back of the wrist… the poor dear.


  16. Dances – I don’t DISlike men , but I don’t think one can simultaneously coddle or cater to the male species and be a staunch defender of women .

  17. I think we ought to send email to CNN for the laughing and carrying on by wolfman and The Precious wannabe! How does CNN get away with this crap?

  18. The NA’s response to Favreau’s disgusting and denegrating display makes me sad to think that there are women out ther who actually believe that this organization is going to be a great campaign for the rights of women in this Country .
    Seems , once again , we are left to defend ourselves .

  19. I thought the new agenda was going to take a stand for women….but now all of a sudden they have decided to rehabilitate a speech writer that was in a sexual harassment type picture and then allowed it to be published, as some big joke. Women are fighting for the respect they deserve…and the new agenda has now started walking backwards on their positions???? When I heard of this backpedaling all I could think of was this headline……THE NEW AGENDA BEING A WOMENS GROUP… TAKES A SOFTER LINE!!! Soft lines on issues and backpedaling away from respect issues got NOW where they are today

  20. invalid – exactly !

  21. I sent this to V. Jarrett a few minutes ago, Dances suggested I post it here as it falls in line with this thread.

    Ms. Jarrett,

    I’m sure you’ve received many emails asking the question in the subject line above (Why Does Jon Favreau Still Have a Job??). I am concerned about this man being placed in any position where he
    is seen as a person of importance in government. Why am I concerned? It’s simple. I was sexually assaulted and brutally beaten as a child, the three
    guys that did this too me also liked to use photos etc to make innuendos and vulgar gestures. I believe some men start small and move on from there.
    Can you be sure Jon doesn’t extend his perversions beyond a cardboard copy of Sen. Clinton. I can’t be sure of this. Therefore, I’m questioning why he was not fired. And why any grown man would stupidly place the photo on facebook and not have his character and idiocy level scrutinized. No matter
    how you boil it down, Jon Favreau leaves considerable doubt of his ability to use proper judgment and I want to see him fired for his sexism, his devaluation of women and his public ridicule of an elected official.

  22. When did this become OK ? What will TNA stand for is they don’t take a stand on this ? When will this behavior be acknowledged as a problem in our culture and sociey? Come on TNA…stand up and be heard.

  23. James is right, get a life

  24. It sounds like it’s time again for a women’s movement. I am appalled by Carville and the rest of the men who just shrugged this off as “boys will be boys”. We as women should demand to be treated with respect. We are apparently not there yet! Women need to be empowering each other for starters. Pelosi and others are giving us a bad name.

  25. The New Agenda is a huge disappointment . The flacid stance they have taken against Favreau is indicative of the SAME agenda of compromise and complacency that brought about the downfall of NOW .
    I have lost all respect for this organization and will continue to speak out about sexism and misogyny as loudly as I can whether I am backed up by a group or not .

  26. SO Carville thinks there is sexism and abused women? How nice. Seems to me those things extend from attitude. A certain attitude as to how women should be treated?
    Gee, maybe that was the attitude that was displayed in the groping of a facsimile of HRC?

  27. I would like to see the same cardboard cut out of Mr. Favreaufullofshit…With a couple of boys from the hood having their time with him…Wonder if his sick ,twisted humor would have the same effect???? He is truly a sad piece of shit!!!!!!!! And, BO is just as guilty of all of this horrible sexism and misogyny….ENOUGH!! is ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. CNN gathered a panel of experts to discuss whether or not the photo of Barack Obamas head speech writer, Jon Favreau, he’s the one groping Senators Clintons breast while the other Obama campaign staffer held her hair while holding a beer bottle to her face was sexist.

    The CNN experts on sexism were Wolf Blitzer James Carville and a Mitt Romney spokesman.
    The expert, James Carville, determined that this was funny, just boys being boys, only a cardboard cut out of young frat boys pulling off a prank and anyone who got upset
    about it was insane. The other experts laughingly agreed. End of discussion.

    Where do I ( insane woman) begin?
    Perhaps with are you Kidding me CNN?

    Your experts have no educated qualifications to speak on sexism and they have NO experience to speak about sexism directed towards women by virtue of the fact that they are MEN. In all honesty it appears the CNN experts only qualifications and experience with sexism is… they perpetrate it.
    A picture of
    A cardboard cut out of a woman having her breast groped and a beer bottle in her face while having her hair held by 2 MEN is hardly laughable.
    The insane ones would be the ones who believe it is funny and a is a prank.

    I ask CNN to gather a panel of experts. WOMAN who have had their faces broken by a beer bottle much like the one in the picture. Pranks that started with the thought this is funny. Too many women have been in this position.

    Are we too sensitive to racism and not sensitive enough to sexism?
    What if we take that same photo but instead of Senator Clinton it is Barack Obama with the same “boys” on either side Jon groping his crotch while the other holds a noose instead of a beer bottle?
    Would that be laughable? It is still “only a cardboard” image of Obama. Would that be called a prank? Boys being Boys?
    They would be yelling their heads off. James Carville and Wolf Blitzer and every talking head out there. Rightfully so.
    They would have figured out instantly the Obama cardboard cut out photo sought to degrade, humiliate, intended to cause physical harm and stir more than unpleasant memories for many. But they couldn’t make the same connection to Senator Clintons cardboard cut out photo.
    Sad truly sad and James Carville has the audacity to call me and the millions of us who are bothered by this…..Insane.
    What was insane was CNNs panel of experts laughing and making light of a serious issue, abuse of women.
    CNN needs to apologise for being so incentive to those who have suffered the abuse that began with the same thoughts of their expert panel “this is funny.”
    I am suggesting a boycott of CNN and its advertisers.
    James Carville..well he needs therapy and should be fired with Wolf Blitzer.
    Jon Favreau needs to be fired and Barack Obama needs to be the one that says NO you Can’t.

    The media needs to address this photo and call it what it is a sexist attack on a woman.

  29. First of all, Hillary is a former First Lady and deserves everyone’s respect – male and female.

    Second, anyone that thinks this type of behavior is acceptable is lowering their own personal integrity and values.

    Third, this is sick person with twisted humor. He doesn’t think much of women – wonder if he would think someone groping his own mother would be funny!!

  30. where on this panel were the women? this panel sucked!

  31. * * * * * * * TODAY’S PUMA PAC PROWL * * * * * * *

    1. Sign the Pumasphere Petition and Send it to Friends and Family:


    2. Send an email to the obama transition team, demanding that Favreau resign!


    3. Call Transition Headquarters:

    202-540-3000 press option # 2 for a live person

    OUR MESSAGE: Why Does Jon Favreau Still Have a Job??
    * Dee Dee Myers has an interesting story on her wikipedia page:
    “she felt she was being treated unfairly [as press secretary] on account of her gender. For instance, she revealed in her memoir that when she discovered that she had a lower salary than her predecessor, her request to have it raised was refused for budgetary reasons. When she pointed out that a certain male coworker in a position of less responsibility than herself was being paid more, they excused it as because he was older and had a family, which struck her as a disingenuous excuse for the favoritism.”

  32. Bettyjean you are right jon favraeu has to go

  33. Exactly how do you have a CNN panel discussing a photo like this with ALL MEN? Panel sucked Big time.
    Hannity discussed it but wondered where was all the rage?

  34. Mr. Obama has brought out the lowest common denominator in men that have become cheap tricks. They sell themselves for a position in a corrupt political party. No real gentelman stands by letting this young ignorant fool disgrace not only a former first lady, but all women. This Obama administration is a display of the worst of what society has to offer. For the sake our our country, our children, our own being he must be brought to justice along with the Chicago mob that helped him pull this off.

  35. Betty Jean… you are absolutely correct about this!

    If we let this go… then what?

    If we let them sweep this under the rug – again – it is still there.

    If we keep on exhaling over these blatant attacks on women, we will eventually stop breathing, altogether.

    I’m tired of it. I’ve taken all I can stand. A lifetime of sexist demeaning, minimizing, diminishing, delimiting and utter disregard for basic respect for women and our rights of equitable treatment in America – and around the world – is just too long.

    This lifetime ain’t no dress rehearsal! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  36. The new agenda in oder to be productive needs the RAGE. nicey nice and please does not work we tried that if it did we would not be having this discussion.
    We need in your face anger this is not acceptable and we will not take this bull crap

  37. Betty Jean – YES.

    Jon Favreau’s behavior is unspeakably offensive and dangerous. CNN’s spin of this behavior reveals them (again) for what they are not – they are not analysts; they are not journalists.

    But Favreau did not stop there – he exhibited the ARROGANCE of the Obama camp by posting this denigration of a public figure out on the internet for all to see.

    Any women’s organization who fails to take a stand against this is a sellout and deserves to be abandoned en masse by its entire membership.

    Jon Favreau should be fired. But why should we expect an ounce of integrity from the Obama camp?

  38. Why is anyone surprised that CNN has assembled a panel of men to discuss sexism?! NOT! CNN is part of the Obama machine.

    Doesn’t the Obama machine specialize in turning people against their former friends and co-opting “spokespeople”. Doesn’t everyone who’s part of the “machine”specialize in getting the O Great One off the hook? Obo said the *B* wasn’t relevant and by that he meant any woman who resists his domination.

    Misogyny divides women. The weak ones are cowed and the strong ones have to use a huge amount of energy to counter every attack. The women in the middle see the consequences of opening their mouths and they fold.
    Isn’t that what happens when women are beaten, raped, discriminated against? Aren’t they all blamed for their condition while being slapped down for complaining about it?

    I’m still looking for the MEN who have the balls and the brains to take on the women-hating in their own gender. Everybody wants to shy away from lesbians-“the man haters” but I don’t much see the men attached to women stepping up.

  39. Jon the yes I can guy can not be rehab-ed! He is male in a male world where all the cardboard men make the rules. They do not respect women, they HATE women, they are afraid of women! Each and every one is a coward, 1 guy alone would not do this but a group is dangerous, and they feel powerful and SAFE!
    No one will blame them for the FUN they are so deserving of, no one…see no one did. That no one is THAT ONE!

  40. When O flicked his shoulders at the Jay Z concert he was giving the OK to the message that the *b* was not “relevant”.

    Every person under thirty-five understands that dissing women is the new “thing”. There’s a new sheriff in town faking respecting women and being a “family” man but behind his hand he smirks and sics his BOIZ.

    Women, you were head faked into voting for one of the worst sexists to come along in a while.

    Obama, fire Favreau now.

  41. Favreau should not only be fired, he should first be made to apologize publicly to both Senator Clinton and “to all of the women of America I may have offended.”

    In fact, Favreau, I have a proposal for you, I’ll write your damn speech for you!!

  42. Insane? Haven’t women been called crazy, addled, estrogen-deprived, old hags, menopausal hags throughout this ugly campaign?

    If being insane is what it takes to get the laughing men’s attention. Let’s show ’em just how insane we can be!

  43. Pumabear
    Sadden and frightened by your so thruthful comments about BO dissing women.when a government seeks to control the first freedoms it takes is from its women.muslim sharia law..the taliban.are examples of control.
    Don’t believe men attached to women will speak up the BOYZ have a way of silencing them to degraded them with pussy etc. We just need to grow our own balls and if its only half of us we will just have to grow bigger ones.

  44. I am immune to the name calling I worked for Senator Clinton traveled the primary states. I have spit on slapped at. After her victory in PA we were waiting to go into the hotel for her victory speach and a group of male Bo supporters circled us women I grapped one of the Hillary signs with a huge stick attached to it and said come on MFer I haven’t slept in 30 hrs I am not responsible for my actions. I grew bals during this election. Pantsuit high heels and balls.We need to show how insane a woman with balls is lol

  45. I love it – where in PA were you ? I was in PA – I live there? I too experienced the hateful Obats- the doubled teamed me – always one white girl and one black man always well dressed always intimidatingly quiet but nervy.
    Three times I was set up to be arrested.
    It was scarey- hell I am just a lil old lady! But – I got balls too so – they did not win with me either – but what a lesson i learned- never before in my life was i ever intimidated over an election- but sexism – I recognized that and i recognize a rape scene and that picture was genuine – a rape scene. As much as a noose has connotations – that scenen did too.
    I will bet you there were more gang rapes then there were ever lynchings here or anywhere in this world! Anybody want to place that bet?
    More gang rapes then lynchings in the course of history! there you have it- ! don’t tell me what that scene was and laugh it off! smug bastards. I would love a cutout of each of them and turn some burly sex crazed abusers loose on them and see how they like humiliation and let their sons look at those on you tube! Bastards!

  46. I was in Phily the rally was in the city I think it was the hyatt? That was a tough place the obots were angry cause Hillary won they would try to run us over I have worked for 5 presidential campaigns and I agree nothing like this and it continues still can u imagine. I agree I am sure more woman have been raped than men have been lynched. Its men doing both if women were attacking men there had been something done about it along time ago.no one would be laughing.

  47. I was glad when ‘the new agenda’ stood up for Sarah Palin. But I’m leery of them because they seem like a lynch mob going after Bill and HIllary’s Treasury Secretary Larry Summers.

    Summers was asked to summarize some papers — he made this a chance to ask for arguments AGAINST the conclusion of those papers.

    One woman walked out, saying she felt sick and faint. That is not a scientific attitude. She seems to have been persecuting Summers ever since. Isn’t she one of the founders of The New Agenda?

    What they’re saying now about Favreau ‘making amends’ is not practical for that jerky frat boy. But it is what has already happened with Summers! Summers has already publically apologized for a talk that was easily distored by the media, has had several years to study the issue and look for solitions, and is now in a good position to make amends.

    I’m collecting ammunition against Favreau at

    and defending Summers at

  48. Have you contacted TNA about this?

    I listened into their show and it seems that the decision was taken because of a suggestion on their show. It seemed like a good suggestion at the time, because it send a message and gain more publicity than a backlash might… just my two cents I can see both sides here.

  49. In any case, the offer for him to apologize has been and passed. I think it was a fair offer but there has been no comment. Now the New Agenda should return to the call for him to be fired.

  50. oh lighten up. people have moved on from this non issue.

  51. I have no intention of lightening up beast- and based on the 48 comments – no one feels like moving on .

    This is serious enough to me and others and we intend to pursue it till someone listens!

  52. Alice, I did contact TNA about this – My next piece will explain the result of that contact!.

  53. OMG, I can’t believe Senator Clinton was accosted and assaulted in this way. Has she had a medical exam to determine if she’s been injured? Has this guy been arrested for his unseemly groping? Where was security that allowed him to get so close to Hillary that he could grab her underarm like that? These questions need to be answered!!!!

  54. I realise Obama is tied up with other more pressing matters such as..well “the chickens are coming home to roost” lol Reverend Wright
    .It is piling up on Obama getting pretty deep in fraudland pretty soon we won’t be able to see him under all that chicken crap
    But Presidents should be able to deal with many issues NO ?
    This is my issue it is important to me I will keep yelling about it till Obama fires his perverted speech writer Jon Favreau.
    The sooner obama fires this idiot the sooner obama can get back to Chicago politics and covering up yet another person who just happen to live in the neighbourhood.

  55. Homboltblue
    Happy to know you and no one you know has ever been a victim of an assault that began in much the way that picture depicts.
    Sadly too many women look at that picture and see not humour but the painful memory of a rape or a face broken by a beer bottle like the one in the picture
    We are the victims of a crime not the objects of a prank.
    Your attempt to belittle the feelings of women who look at the picture and see their monster in the eyes of Jon Favreau.makes the point how insensitive we humans can be.

  56. Sadly, I Am Insane, you truly are a fucking froot loop and if you look at that photo and see sexual assault you’re a bigger dumbass than previously thought.

    I certainly await your next thesis on how Obama is responsible for swimsuit contests at beauty pageants and how it’s just another example of his hate for women that he does nothing to stop such gross objectification.

    You stick with your premise though, I’m sure Sneator Clinton is monitoring everything you post.

  57. Dumb ass and “froot” loop. ME? I was making a point that sadly too many women look at that photo and are reminded of a sexual attack because their own sexual attack began in much the same way drunken and groping. men who believe their actions are funny. I called you out on being insensitive to that true fact. with the hope you would understand why so many women feel as they do.
    I now know you are just a jerk incapable of understanding anything other than your one sided view of your own planet. .
    To start talking about a beauty pageant and women in swimsuits while discussing a sexual attack is more than dumb. The difference between a sexual attack and a beauty pageant is the ones in the swimsuits they said YES to it.
    Your spaceship has landed get in it and go home.

  58. Humboltblue- You are the perfect example of an abuser! You don’t have a cutout of your very own to abuse or anyone to show it to so you come here and assault us with your rhetoric and get off by having us reply to your rude, crude bullshit. But guess what asshole? I am the keeper of this paper doll – and you are my victim tonight so here is my fun time.
    I picture you as a short fat jackass with a pencil dick who dreams of tall blonds who would laugh at the very sight of you and smaell of you and that is why you assault them in blogs. No women worth a cent would be caught on the same block – – you never had a girlfriend that wasn’t in a comic book and it angers you that they don’t jump off the pages and kiss you but you are thrilled that they at least do not jump off the pages and run away like real girls do.
    hehehhehehe- I think that is so funny.
    I am even visualizing you naked – ooops – I should not have done that – It made me sick! gotta go now – I spent more time on this nightmare than i needed to.
    So – how does it feel to be treated like dirt? never mind – you are now barred- I will not have you here speaking to the women with your filth.

  59. The above nonsense- is not to be taken seriously not responded to – It is from the jack asses over at http://rumproast.com/ aka Over Fryed ASS –

    It appears their job is to try to aggravate PUMA’s.

    What they really are is a bunch of little boys with small pee pees that are afraid of women! They take it out on us that their momies did not give them bigger tools.
    They should blame their daddies but their daddies are already pissed off about their own little wee wees so instead they just blames any women they can find and try to force that damned stupid little thing on us and try to make us like it.

    Well little Pee Wee boys – keep the damned little friggen shit thing- we don’t want ti either ! . Go find something useful to do with it like water the flowers on grave stones !

    Ladies – Ignore their rumps- their brains are as roasted as their asses are and about as small as their pee wees too!

    Humbolt and rump roasts Banned!

  60. I have just removed quite a few bad boy filth comments- I left a few so you might know why the rant above. These filthy boys deserve a nightmare but instead they will get the truth of why I am spitting mad this last week.

    I guess I have to let some steam out somewhere! .
    Perhaps they have a heart and will go play elsewhere tonight.

    Kiss off-boys I don’t come to your site and bother you – don’t come bother me! Got it? I don’t want any pissing contest with anyone – I am sitting here next to my dying daughter 45 late stage ovarian cancer 88 Lbs – her Doc told me no hope a – fine Christmas present.

    She is screaming in pain and I am mad as hell and just taking it out on anyone I can – Favreau is my lucky and deserving target so just stay out of firing range and all is ok for your sorry ass ok? And besides I have no time for this shit! So go bug someone else!

  61. Tom65
    Go back to the rock you crawled out from
    Interesting ladies how men who feel so insecure about themselves come here to feel better about “himselves” the boys don’t want to play with them so they come here to put the girls down in order to feel better about being unwanted unloved uncared for losers.

  62. Freemenow
    I am so heartbreakingly sad and sorry.
    You and your daughter and family will be in my prayers
    I believe in the power of many prayers
    As far as the boys on this site we can handle them or let it all out if it makes you feel better they deserve it
    Many blessings freemenow

  63. freemeknow, My prayers ae with you and I am genuinely sorry to hear about your daughter so I will honor your request to go elsewhere but first a parting shot at the PUMA…So “insane”, you think you can handle a debate? I think not because as soon as you feel a little heat or are given facts proving you and your leader murphy wrong you run back to the safety of your moderated litter box at pumapac. You are nothing but a delusional bitter wack job. If it was Obama’s daughter on her death bed, you would be over at the litter boc laughing and joking about it just like the pumas did about his grandmother, and dont say it wasn’t done, I have plenty of screenshots to back up my claim. Come on over to RR and bring your friends, unlike pumapac we will debate you without deleting your comments….scared? thought so.

  64. Thank you, Betty Jean for your post and your very accurate assessment of wimpy New Agenda.
    James Carville would not be saying this if it were his wife, in the cardboard cutout, nor when he got his sorry ass home either….The only sick people are these who still do not see what is in front of their faces…which is why they need to be put under our feet and Now.

  65. After PUMApac posted their photoshopped version of the Favreau picture with Michelle Obama’s face, then Donna Brazile’s face, then topped it off with overtly racist photoshops of Obama as 1. a lawn jockey in front of the White House, and 2. a shoeshine boy, I think PUMAs have lost any moral high ground they might have claimed.

    Apparently, it’s OK to create demeaning pictures attacking women who don’t agree with PUMA, which makes PUMA an anti-woman organization as far as I’m concerned, not to mention their endorsement of Sarah Palin, who would charge women for rape kits and deny them control over their bodies.

  66. Freemenow, just read what’s happening with you, all my deepest sympathies. Last year about this time, I was trying to keep my father alive after his cardiologist gave him a dangerous drug that ended up killing him. How much worse to lose your child, it’s horrible, gross, do whatever you need to do to get through. I hope you have support and aren’t going through this by yourself, and that your daughter can get palliative care from people who know what they’re doing. Blessings.

  67. “You are the perfect example of an abuser! You don’t have a cutout of your very own to abuse or anyone to show it to so you come here and assault us with your rhetoric and get off by having us reply to your rude, crude bullshit. ”

    Help! He’s crawling through the intertubes to rape my eyes with his words! Seriously, could you at least do poor HumboltBlue the favor of linking to somewhere he can buy his own cutout?

  68. Mrs. Polly, Please do not be offended by my candor.

    I did not see those pictures yet but I can say this – I can understand PUMA’s reaction – I was tempted to do the same thing myself. Frustration sometimes leads to bizzare behavior- I know the leaders of PUMA – they are lovely talented educated ladies who are frustrated but not anti women.

    As for Sarah Palin – I also supported her and I have two very important things to say about that. First – we must support all women . Next – do not believe the trash you hear. Sarah palin would not charge women for rape kits. Do police officers or government officials conduct rape physicals? Of course not – Dr. and hospitals do and as such Dr. and hospitals charge or do not charge for them. Ins co covedr or do not cover them – Sarah Palin has no special control over the payment of rape kits!

    Her stand on Gary rights does not differe from Hillary’s. Her best friend is gay..

    Another thing you may be unaware of – Under Sarah Palin there were two opportunities to change laws regarding abortion – she did nothing to alter the laws on the books.

    Her personal views are her own and choice means she has that right. I believe in choice but I would rather die than have an abortion myself. What does that make me – your enemy? I taught my daughters the same way- does that make me bad? NO- I do not judge others but for me and my daughters those are our choices and we will stick to them and let others choose for themselves. That is what Pro Choice means to me!- I choose life every time. I also mind my business on that matter when it comes to other women’s bodies! And i never sell a sister out no matter what her choice- I voted for Sarah and it had nothing to do with her ovaries .

    If we are going to uplift women – we are going to have to accept all women and respect them and their personal opinions. We can not pick and choose based on party or religion – we are all in this together or we will all be sexualized forever.

    I do hope I was not offensive- this is a rough night for me especially in discussing loosing our children by choice or otherwise- I am a strong gal and i will fight to the bitter end for any cause in which i believe and i believe that we need to fight for Women’s rights – All women’s rights and to do that we must stop fighting each other- NOW. If we were not this critical of ourselves and each other and if we could only unite like the men do – they could never hold us down again- we have not been smart enough to GET that!

  69. This game is – in many ways – like Survivor. One minute you think you’ve got an alliance, next thing you’re voted off the island by somebody who cut a better deal for herself.

  70. SWPAnna,
    It sure looks that way huh? I could be wrong but – If it looks like a duck- walks like a duck and quacks like a duck – its usually a DUCK!

  71. Obama will never condemn these actions when he has done far worse to Hillary. He is scraping the bottom of the barrel with some of the people that hesurrounds himself with. How, in the name of God did people not figure out what a lowlife he is before it was too late?The more I see, the more I DESPISE HIM.

  72. Found in TNA Comments:

    lightacandle on December 11th, 2008 12:49 pm

    A lot of women’s organizations are unfortunately starting to act like a lot of the labor unions.

    They all start out with very good motives and are generally led by people who are all fired up with a passion to correct injustices.

    But, then, the groups get big, monetarily successful and puffed up with their fame. Their leaders are interviewed and occasionally show up in vanity magazine articles.

    That’s when the wheels start coming off.

    At that point, it becomes no longer about the women (in the case of women’s organizations) or workers (in the case of unions); it turns into a way for the leaders to get famous, have their books published, and sit in mahogany-paneled offices.

    They forget why they organized in the first place; they hunker down and do the safe things, back the safe candidate who looks like he’ll win (no matter his policies) — and, thus, protect their own careers.

    It happens regularly, and it’s happening now with NOW and NARAL and a few of the other, older women’s groups.

    The members of the women’s groups and the labor unions get disgusted — and they all start feeling a sense of betrayal and abandonment.

    The New Agenda is new on the scene, so I write this not about TNA but as an alert to TNA. This is no time to play it safe; now is the time to get aggressive and not tolerate even one instance of bad behavior from our public officials — whether concerning women’s issues or the issues of concern to workers in general.

    Amy Siskind on December 11th, 2008 12:54 pm

    There is a delicate balance. TNA is an activist group, but we are professional and not fringe. We have long-term desires.

    There is also so much work to be done on so many fronts. As Kevin pointed out on another thread – how about cabinet, Bair, etc. Yes – we need to focus multiple places.

  73. I initially thought ‘The New Agenda’ could very well gather a large following, since ‘NOW’ and ‘NARAL’ lost their way. Women need a strong concensus, strong leadership and they need to speak with one voice.

    Favreau DID DIMINISH and DISRESPECT Hillary…
    there should have been a no nonsense outcry by women everywhere. If he had been a college student at a frat party who needed to grow up, we would admonish him, let him know how juvenile his behavior was and move on. Favreau is not a kid, he has a grownup position and will soon be working for the president of our United States! TNA was correct in their 1st assessment…and jokingly pathetic in their buckling weak 2nd idea! It’s not their job to act like his mother, counselor or psychologist! Back to square one!
    We are still in need of a STRONG WOMEN’S MOVEMENT…not crass bullies…just strong advocates of Women’s rights and a demand for respect!

  74. […] apologized and admitted that he was wrong. Then after a humiliating media dressing down from CNN, (https://freemenow.wordpress.com/2008/12/10/whose-agenda-is-this-anyway/) Amy Siskind, did yet another turn-around without consulting any of the other executive members […]

  75. […] Lost Its Way! Part 1Has the New Agenda Lost Its Way? Part 2 « Free Us Now Weblog on Whose Agenda is this anyway?Angelia Gabriel on How The New Agenda Lost Its Way! […]

  76. […] Comments How The New Agenda Lost Its Way! Part 2 « Free Us Now Weblog on Whose Agenda is this anyway?freemenow on How The New Agenda Lost Its Way! Part 1Lynnzy on How The New Agenda Lost Its Way! […]

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