Sarah is Stupid

BettyJean answers Master Degreed Teacher voting Obama based on Sarah’s stupidity!


“this all made MSNBC (the quote liberal media) and it was denounced immediately as terrible and not appropriate even if they didn’t like sarah Palin (which they do not) so not everyone turns the blind eye and ignores the sexism.  But just as I say that, I will add that she to me is a disgrace for a VP candidate and you can call it sexism or my love of Obama but I call it smart and that is something she is not.  I don’t think they cover that enough.  It is not about experience and you will email me back, it is about brains and I want the people in charge of my country and well being to be smarter than me and I graduated Summa Cum Laude.  so that is my opinion and if people don’t like it or want to call it sexism so be it.  I don’t need these emails, my mind is made up and has been.  Sorry.” 


Well gee whoever wrote this poorly constructed tirade and has the nerve to brag about graduating Summa Cum Laude deserves only one response from me.  When she can rise from mom to a Mayor, then to Gov, and then to VP candidate, I’d say you have some standing to question this woman’s credentials and wisdom. Until such time as you have climbed that ladder of success on your own merits without the assistance of the Chicago mafia or the political machine- I’d say you really have no room to talk , moreover, she is obviously smarter than anyone who has not achieved what she has so far – which by the way includes me!!

Pardon my candid answer, however, to call this woman brainless based on whatever you learned from the biased media (quoting MSNBC tells us a great deal) without really knowing her is tantamount to what they did to Hillary in reverse – and you really ought to know better. You did not like it when they did this type of thing to Hillary yet you tolerate it when they do it to a woman from the other party. You are not a solution to sexism – you are part of the problem and they will be using sexism to prevent women from the rightful place in high offices because of stupidity – but it is not her stupidly – it’s yours and others like you! Wake up – smarten up and see that this is pure sexism and pure politics and stop allowing them to use you! It’s women against women hurting women!


As a dual Master Degreed Teacher, I know better ways to test intelligence than the way this gal chose to do so. I feel sorry for the kids she teaches if she prejudges her kids the way she prejudged this candidate – she has no business in the classroom. And learn how to construct a sentence before you ask Sarah to be smarter than you.


I was stunned when I learned from a mutual friend that you are a teacher holding a masters degree and use that to talk down to our mutual friends as if you know better who they should vote for.  Obviously you do not.


She and I both grew up in WV but I think she has forgotten where she comes from. The people in my state have struggled and some of them are lucky to have graduated high school. But they have every bit the value that you and I have and their voting choices deserve respect just like ours does. Just because you disagree with it, doesn’t mean they are “dumb.” “Since the primary it has gotten even worse because of things like the attitude you read in her email. Last spring she threw around her educational credentials as a reason to justify her choice of Obama. Basically she said that because she has a Master’s degree she knows what she is talking about and anyone else does not. At the time I blew off that comment but over the days it started to bother me.”



I am not a kind soul hiding your name – I am a kind soul hiding the identity of our mutual friends. Shame on you. I did this to prove just how hateful Obama supporters are and just how divisive Obama is!


Congratulations, you have aggrieved the friends you have grown up with and instead as you so eloquently wrote and I quote “or my love of Obama” And now you are instead aligned with Obama and his friends. Let me name a few- Jeremiah Wright, ‘Tony’ Rezko, Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Kwame, Kilpatrick, Meeks, Pfleger, Khalid Al Masour aka Donald Warden, Rashid Khalidi,. Farrakhan, Percy Sutton, ACORN and on and on and on.

3 Responses

  1. Sometimes it is blatanly obvious I lack the grammar and spelling gene, so to speak. You know what though? I can play a kindergarten game called connect the dots. That is all anyone has to do with Barack Obama is play connect the dots.
    The individual that wrote this to you is obviously lacking any political knowledge or the simple kindergarten ability to play ‘connect the dots’. This person is obviously a Madison Ave. dream as this individual can be sold any packaged bill of goods. I think this individual should put that ‘Masters Degree’ right back inside the Cracker Jack box it came out of. It would be a favor to the rest of the world and certainly to America.

  2. A masters degree requires work so that is to be applauded but it does not guarantee intelligence. I have worked in hospitals in a managerial capacity for many years having been unable to finish my studies to become a doctor but I know how difficult the studies are. I have come across many physicians in my work who amaze me that they were able to obtain an MD as they are sorely lacking in brain power. So again, a degree does not guarantee intelligence and anyone overlooking the many serious defects in Obama and casting your vote for him as president shows a lack of basic common sense.

  3. Sarah Palin never participated in the grueling primary process that in itself is intended to weed out the unfit candidates because of knowledge, judgment and temperament.

    She coasted into the general election process only two months ago on McCain’s coat tails.

    The only press interview that she did (with Katie Couric) she failed miserably. She even failed the common sense test when she accepts a prank call from some DJs pretending to be Sarkozy of France.

    If McCain is elected she (a virtual unknown and untested soccer mom) will be only a heartbeat from the Presidency.

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