If It looks like a duck…


Another Rant by: BettyJean Kling:

The other day Joe Biden gave a speech or should I say a rant – it was quite a good one – he screamed and hollered about how important it was to hang around with the right people and he made a lot of sense until he misapplied it.


He mentioned his mother, as he often does, and recalled when he wanted to go hang out with guys on the corner, and she said he’d get in trouble, despite his protest that he wouldn’t become like them.


“She said, ‘Joey, if it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck’,” he said. “Ladies and gentlemen, if it looks like a Bush, if it sounds like a Bush, if it votes like a Bush, it is a Bush economic philosophy.”


That got me thinking about why he applies that to McCain who serves as a Republican Senator under a Republican President Bush but not to Obama with the plethora of questionable characters he has been associated with for 20 plus years by choice, not the least of whom include, Jeremiah Wright, ‘Tony’ Rezko, Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.


Using Joey’s and his Moms own logic—


Ladies and gentlemen, if it looks like a terrorist, if it sounds like a terrorist, if it votes like a terrorist, it is a terrorist.”


Ladies and gentlemen, if it looks like a racist preacher, if it sounds like a racist preacher, if it votes like a racist preacher, it is a racist preacher.”


Any Candidate who pals around with these kinds of characters for over 20 years and can’t discern them from decent folks clearly does not have the judgment to be president. He is either clearly incapable of choosing with whom to meet or discerning who our enemies might be, or he chose to lie in which case it is obvious he intends to do harm to America.

One Response

  1. Americans, my given rational for switching parties from Democrat to Republican is that I am truly worried for our country. I hope with support from Americans such as all of you here, we can defeat Obama/Biden in the end. This is, without a doubt, truly in the best interest of our country as a whole. I have been a Democrat all of my life and now, for the first time in my adult life, I am voting Republican- McCain/Palin 08. That troubles me greatly and I feel like I have lost a a lot of family members.

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