A Feminist? You betcha!


Another Rant by: BettyJean Kling

Below see Governor Sarah Palin’s speech. I choose to believe she means what she says – why shouldn’t I? It is clear that this woman is her own person and she has made her own choices and she has climbed the ladder of success on her own merits. She was not cultivated as a politician – she owes no one any favors and she is one of us with all her differences – she is woman watch her roar.


And as my PumaPac friend Murphy wrote,


Yesterday, Sarah Palin made the most explicitly feminist political speech by ANYONE running for national office in the last 20 years. She said,

“Women of my generation were allowed finally to make more of our own choices with education, with career, and I have never forgotten that we owe that opportunity to women, to feminists who came before us,” Palin said. “The belief in equal opportunity is not just the cause of feminists, it’s the creed of our country — equal opportunity.”


As Democrats, we likely disagree with Sarah Palin on many things, not least of which are environmental protections and corporate reform. But as WOMEN, how can we not read these words and be inspired?



These words indeed are the words of a true feminist- make no mistake – none of us are in full agreement on every issue- but I believe we can all agree – she is a feminist?


“When it came time for choosing, somehow Barack Obama just couldn’t bring himself to pick the woman who got 18 million votes in his primary, and that seems to be too familiar a story isn’t it?” Palin said at a rally in Henderson, NV on October 21. “How it is for so many American women that the qualifications are there, but for some reason the promotion never comes?


“You’ve got to ask yourself why was Senator Hillary Clinton was not even vetted by the Obama campaign?” Palin continued. “Why did it take 24 years, an entire generation from the time Geraldine Ferraro made her pioneering bid until the next time that a woman was asked to join a national ticket?”


“In the long history of our country, 74 people have held the position of President or Vice-President, and why have the major parties given America only two chances to even consider a woman for either office?” Palin asked. “This glass ceiling, it is still there, but it’s about time that we shattered that glass ceiling once and for all.”


“Out on the stump he talks a good game about equal pay for equal work, but according to the Senate pay roll records women on his own staff get just 83 cents for every dollar that the men get,” Palin said of Obama. “That’s 9,000 dollars less every year that he pays the guys. Does he think that the women aren’t working as hard? Does he think that they are 17 percent less productive?”


“The working women of this country, those who work inside the home and outside of the home, they’re overlooked by politicians in Washington, and Barack Obama hasn’t given us a single reason to believe that he would be any better.”


“I’ve been very, very blessed to have a husband who’s supported me along the way. He’s a great dad who doesn’t disappear at bath time or run from diaper duty, and I appreciate that,” Palin added. “But a lot of women have it much, much harder than I’ve had it. And they need child care, which today can cost some families a third of their household budget. And they need reforms in labor laws that allow greater flexibility in the workplace, including more tele-commuting. And they need a tax code that doesn’t penalize working families.”


“Women of my generation were allowed finally to make more of our own choices with education, with career, and I have never forgotten that we owe that opportunity to women, to feminists who came before us,” Palin said. “The belief in equal opportunity is not just the cause of feminists, it’s the creed of our country — equal opportunity.” ~ Gov. Sarah Palin


I Join Murphy in asking you to please pass this on to every women you know and ask her to have another look and decide how much longer we will wait for a THE perfect women to show up?  You know the woman that will appeal to everyone in the country — apparently that is what we are looking for right? Hillary wouldn’t do for half the country and now Sarah will not for the other half. Stop the insanity and let’s give this woman-the same opportunity we have always given the men we have elected – when’s the last time you agreed totally with any one of them?  



2 Responses

  1. Absolutely!

  2. Everyone needs to agree to not watch Obama in his 30 minute ads to buy the election. I suggest instead use your time by getting on the McCain website and making calls to the swing states while it is airing. Also, might I suggest a message to the mainstream media: Mine is something like this: MSM you hypocrites, we don’t need you anymore. Your vicious and totally slanted to “the ONE- Obama” is not acceptable anymore. You all will pay a “bitter price” for this BS coverage of this all important election. I too, am sorely disappointed in the Clintons. Party over country is not something I am willing to support. That is why after this election I will re-register as an Independent as the Democratic Party no longer represents my ideas and beliefs.

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