Media Justice for Sotomayor

From Women’s Media Center –

Now they are after Judge Sonia Sotomayor. They do not attack men this way and I will be damned if they are going to do this to our women. We must not tolerate this anymore. Please distribute and visit Women’s Media Center to sign the petition.

 The Women’s Media Center is releasing its new video, “Media Justice for Sotomayor.” It documents some of these racist and sexist comments already delivered on high profile television programs, radio, print and online outlets.

As Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings approach on July 13th, The Women’s Media Center expects vigorous debate of Sotomayor’s qualifications & abilities. But we call on the media to refrain from allowing sexist and racist remarks to go unchecked.

 You can help the WMC in our campaign for fair media coverage for Judge Sotomayor by contributing in the following ways:

 1. Sign on to our WMC statement (listed below) supporting Media Justice for Sotomayor.

2. Pass this video on to friends, family, and members of the media through Tell-A-Friend.

3. If you are a journalist, contact the WMC for sources and experts on Sotomayor from our Progressive Women’s Voices program or

4. If you see examples of sexism, racism or classicism against Sotomayor in the media’s coverage of her confirmation hearings, please send them to us.