Pelosi Says CIA Lied

Nancy Pelosi’s statements about what she knew about enhanced interrogation techniques (or torture) have been garbled at best. Today she has come out and said that the CIA lied to her in a briefing.

Pelosi Says the CIA Lied to Her

3 Responses

  1. If anyone, especially PUMAS, are familiar with Pelosi, as we came to know her during the primaries. How she stabbed Hillary in the back. How she helped pay off superdelegates to support Obama. We know who the LIAR is.

    Nancy, your nose is getting bigger every time you open your mouth!!


  2. Old Russian saying…You can tell same lie 1000 times but not change truth!

    Difference between USSR Communist media and USA “mainstream media”

    In Russia government make media say what they want – even if lie.
    In USA “mainstream media” try make government what they want – even if lie..
    …..eventually they become same thing?!

    I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at

  3. Be that as it may – the truth is she played the game thinking she was going to be the most important womean in DC and learned the hard way that she is the next woman on the chopping block!

    She did not realize thst safter they were done with her they would toss her under the bus with every other women- just as they alwasy do- they only let you play so long as they need you then you outgrow your usefulness.

    That’s how men play the game. Have we learned yet? has Nancy? When will we learn that any woman who turns against the others will land in hell and find herself all alone?

    Time to unite Ladies – there is no safety for us anywhere we are falling one by one! Slaughter everywhere! The majority must unite!

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