Citizen Lawsuits are Garbage?

Another Rant by BettyJean Kling

The last time I checked these clowns (the government) still worked for us not the other way around.  This is what we dems get for crawling home and giving the DNC a win this year- and I hate to tell ya I told you so but … uh… I told you so.


Now here’s this guy who promised Hope & Change and who said it was time to turn the page and yet he gave us pretty much the same cabinet we would have had with Hillary at the helm. The same cabinet only we have him there instead of her! Him there — so a mere 12% of our citizenry can have their moment in history first and the larger 52% can wait yet again even thought we were not only so much a greater contributor to this country’s make-up but we offered the greater qualified candidate. That – my friends is garbage!


I guess I will have to be thankful and thank God at least for a very capable cabinet that we can hopefully trust to do the job. I am feeling more and more hopeful just because of the cabinet he put in place, Even Judas  along with Biden give me comfort because these are the folks I believe Hillary might have chosen.


Now – there is one problem this cabinet hands us – it transplants a few more females into the cabinet and out of government positions – so now we will have less than 17% representation. Again we are given with one hand while it is taken out of  the other and we loose again.  What have we now maybe 12% representation- maybe we ought to stop paying taxes until  we get full representation! Think that’ll work? Probably not why should it – who the hell listens to us?  No one that’s who – we are now the silent majority – those without a voice or power and why- because we do not stand up and take it – the power that it – we stand and take whatever they dish out instead.


No — I did not want Hillary answering to him — but I will get over that now that I realize that I rather have her and the rest of that cabinet taking care of my country rather than this control freak that vetted our girl and the former president but will not produce his own birth certificate for our vetting.


Who in the hell does he think he is and what in the hell does his band of warriors mean that the citizens lawsuits are garbage? He has the nerve to vet the Clintons but we can’t vet him? And we thought we had Der Fuehrer in Bush – wait till you see this rein of audacity. Well it isn’t like he didn’t warn us up front right in his book name appropriately and right in our face?


More than a half-dozen legal challenges have been filed in federal and state courts demanding President-elect Barack Obama’s decertification from ballots or seeking to halt elector meetings, claiming he has failed to prove his U.S. citizenship status.

An Obama campaign spokeswoman told WND the complaints are unfounded.

“All I can tell you is that it is just pure garbage,” she said. “There have been several lawsuits, but they have been dismissed.”


My friend CG asks

“It is “garbage” to ask the potential President of the United States to provide his real birth certificate? This is Beyond Audacity. It is downright frightening. Why doesn’t he just produce it? “Me thinks thou dost protest too much,” as Shakespeare put it.”  


Another comments,

 “Garbage!!!!!!!  I don’t think so.  No cheating lying President in my book! Best to all” GMP


My sense is that while the suits have not all been dropped – they all will be –  just like all the Democrat Super Delegates fell away from Hillary one after the other, just as all the votes cast for others in MI. were given to Obama, just as Hillary was pushed from the race and just as the Republican big guns never raised a finger to help their own candidate  win.


Just as Republicans voters stayed home on Nov. 4, just as the media lied to the public and just as  newly registered voters carried Obama over the top without a clue to what they were voting for – just like that – this man will take office without proving he is qualified – not because he isn’t – he probably is but because he is enjoying thumbing his nose at us all and he is no doubt chuckling his ass off at us every night before he goes to bed while we — like a pack of dogs are running around chasing our own tails.


You see – I am one of those who never believed for one minute that there is anything to this story- nothing at all. For all his audacity – I find it hard to believe that he and the DNC would take that chance but I could be wrong so who knows. What I do think, is that he enjoys planting seeds of false stories to keep us distracted from looking at what he really is hiding. Kinda like those old cowboy movies I liked as a kid- someone always ran off in the other direction to draw the posse one way so the bad guys could get away with the loot. It always worked until the hero came into the story and saved the day- but this time no hero showed up- no white horse and no one in a white hat and certainly not the woman who was to be the heroine of the new century. No– this time everyone fell for the lie and all we can hope for is the cabinet to hold it all together.


You see folks just as the Supreme court let us down in 2000 by handing us GW they are now going to let BHO waltz right in without having to prove he is qualified and the sad part of all of this is that We the people are standing for all this bullshit! That is the sad part! We are the owners of this country- we have the Constitution on our side – at least we still have it until we stand by long enough to let them dismantle it to the point that we no longer have a leg to stand on. We are standing by and allowing every right that we have slip right through our fingers and all we can do is whine like stuck pigs and nothing more?


8 years ago we watching in horror and we waited 4 years for an opportunity to get our country back – then in 2004 we watched it get stolen again in Ohio – This year we watched the tables turn and it doesn’t feel any better knowing that we played the game better than they did this time. No- It feels just as damned lousy this time around—you see I was hoping for democracy in 2000- 2004 and again in 2008. Now I am not at all sure I will ever see it again in the United States of America- Are you?


If we are going to be throwing the label ‘garbage’ around let’s use it wisely- our election process is garbage! I suggest we do something about that and quick because what we call a democratic process is far from that.


And as far as this Birth Certificate- I think every American should pick up the phone immediately and call you congress person and senator and demand that President Elect Obama produce the vaulted birth certificate immediately. If I have to produce a  birth certificate for a driver’s license — he needs to produce it before being sworn in. Case closed. Just produce it and stop playing games which is all he is trying to do and probably enjoying toying with us!

Video by AnnieSweetieOakley.

10 Responses

  1. This is NOT rocket science:
    Since the Constitution’s Article II requires our President to be a “natural born citizen” (not merely “citizen” as allowed for those living when the Constitution was enacted) meaning both parents were US “citizens” when the child was born (parents not necessarily “natural born” citizens), there’s NO WAY Obama can be President — regardless of being born in Kenya OR Hawaii. Obama’s dad was NOT an American citizen. He was a citizen of the UK (ruling Kenya at the time). Case closed.

  2. Obama doesn’t need to prove anything since “the necessity of proof lies with he who complains.” (onus probandi) and not vice versa.

    Chiyome Fukino, The director of Hawaii’s Department of Health made a public statement that she has “personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.” According to that policy she isn’t be allowed to verify a foreign BC.

    The Black’s Law Dictionary considers terms “natural-born citizen” and “citizens by birth” as synonymous. Obama is, in accordance to U.S. Code, Title 8, Section 1401, a natural-born citizen of the United States, for the simple reason that he was born on American soil (the opposite hasn’t been proven so far) by jus soli (right of birthplace). The age and citizenship status of Obama’s parents at the time have no bearing on Obama’s own citizenship.

    Here is how the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service explains the difference:

    “The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizenship at birth to almost all individuals born in the United States or in U.S. jurisdictions, according to the principle of jus soli. Certain individuals born in the United States, such as children of foreign heads of state or children of foreign diplomats, do not obtain U.S. citizenship under jus soli.”

    Check legal facts and face the reality: you are chasing a shadow or even a bait.

  3. Citizen Cane- Frankly – i don’t give a damned- – He stole the election with the help of the whole damned Democrat party and as far as i am concerned – is is an illegally selected candidate to begin with but as i stated earlier- If I have to provide my birth certificate when I apply for my Driver license – i do not see why he does not have to provide his when asked for it.
    If he would just provide the damned thing – this game would be over instead he contines this cat and mouse game- that is the what I find curious.
    I don’t believe there is a problem with the citizenship as I stated – there was a problem with the election – I noticed you did not talk you way out of that – but then you obots never do – you just talk around that part.
    So do me a favor and don’t waste my time! I am not interested in your lame crap about covering up what doesn’t matter.

  4. Hey BJ, thanks so much for posting my vid!

    Citizen Cane is not informed. The Donofrio case explains everything and is well grounded in Constitutional Law, so I’m not going to go into it. If Donofrio’s case had no merit, it would never have made it to the Supreme Court.

    Donofrio’s case does not rest on the birth certificate. So instead of writing asking for Obama to produce a birth certificate, we should be writing to our congresspeople and supreme court justices to make sure that Constitutional Law is upheld. There is also an issue of the electorates being 1) dead and 2) changed after the election, which is not allowed.

    The DNC and each and every Secretary of State who did not check the eligibility of the candidates before putting them on the ballot have gotten us all into one hell of a mess!

    Go to youtube and check out the links in the video description. They are to the right of the film. There’s also a petition you can sign.

    And do please rate & leave a comment, if you’re logged in!

  5. If the supreme dismisses the case on friday and 0 takes the oath of office without proving citizenship,our constitution is’nt worth the paper it was written on! I believe we have been sold out as a country,when this so called “free trade” started. How many jobs has been lost sinse” free trade” started? How many people are losing every thing they owned because of our jobs being out sourced to other countries? The only thing that will get our economy corrected is ending “fair Trade”! WE HAVE BEEN SOLD OUT!!!!

  6. Perot warned us in 1992- We should have listened to him then! He tried to tell us that they were selling the USA to the highest bidders! We had a chance to buy it back and we threw it away then – will we do it again – stick with the two wings of the same vulture?

    Both Parties are corrupt and they are taking turns at us – passing us back and forth – gang raping us – – this is our country and we are acting like we are hostages! Wake up America before we have no power left at all.

    Three levels and the Supreme Court and all Corrupt! That was proven in 2000 and about to be proven again in 2008 for the other team – isn’t this proof enough that the govt is corrupt?

    We the people had better wake up and fast!

  7. If this had been any other candidate, would the courts or MSM have dragged their feet in getting to the bottom of this?I think not!!! What is the hold over people? For Gods sake, my grandchildren need to show birth certificates to participate in cheerleading and sports. Personally, I believe there is a reason why he won’t produce his birth certificate, I just don’t know what it is.Let us hope that the courts try to get answers to the questions that are being asked.Too much has been covered up and let slide this election cycle. IMHO Hillary had this election stolen from her and that is the real injustice here.So Barack, show us the birth certificate and lets move on, or is this to be a presidency like W had.Cover-ups and secrets.

  8. Sandy- this is definately going to be a presidency like W had.Cover-ups and secrets. It has been since the very beginning- since he left Occidental in fact.

  9. I’ll tell you what — I agree with you all the way. Obama should show the damned birth certificate now, and stop “toying with us,” as you say.

    There is no excuse for this.

    Obama is not above the law.

    Show the damned birth certificate already.

  10. ‘Believe someone the FIRST time they tell you who they are.’ – Mya Angelo

    Our borders are closed–we must now get passports to go to our neighbors (Canada and Mexico). Our economy is in the toliet and the news is now spinning that we should hate all of the rich.

    These are dangerous times and history reveals that only those with passports could leave Germany when things got rough and that the former Soviets were very good at convincing the public as to whom to ‘hate’ and blame.

    Modern technology offers the opportunity to know where you are, whom you’re talking with (on line, on the phone, on the street), and what we’re watching (on line, on our phones, on our TV’s [law that requires digital]). We still have analog and also have the converter boxes. There is a 5 second or greater delay with the converter boxes; hence, if anyone did try to get something out ‘live,’ it would be ‘delayed.’

    BJ is right. As long as ‘we the people’ will turn a blind eye to our leaders’ and the news’ media’s lies, to their treacherous spin-doctoring, and to their ‘framing’ YOUR thoughts for you, all of the empty complaining in the world will be for naught. Do you know that I actually had a college professor argue to me, ‘but Obama lied less than McCain.’

    Excerpts of my reply are below:
    ….My response: there is a very strong ethical presence within me and to me, it does not matter who you are–it matters what you do. Because you are a member of whatever party, organization, group, does NOT excuse unethical behavior. We do not have good leaders because too many of us have bought into protecting unethical individuals and then those same individuals lament on how politicians are so crooked and ‘look at the mess we are in.’ Until everyone decides that we WILL hold our leaders feet to the ethical fires, we will continue to be in a ‘mess.’

    ….My response: No, I have not changed. I will call people to account and I will not ‘follow’ when I know that there are issues that should be addressed and questions answered and I will NOT overlook unethical behavior because someone is a member of this or that…others can obviously make a different choice. And, are free to do so.

    ….Prof’s statements: In the short time we were in the party together, I came to see you as a
    > principled person with a high regard for the truth. That is why I am
    > so disappointed that you have recently shown such a disturbing disregard
    > for the truth.
    My Response: Who’s truth,? The Democrats’? The spin-doctors’? The yellow journalists’? Yours?

    ….You have since resorted to “cherry picking” articles from
    > that are unfavorable to Obama, and ignoring articles that are
    > unfavorable to his opponents — first Clinton and now McCain. Cherry
    > picking as you have done isn’t lying, but it does play fast and loose
    > with the truth.
    My response: Yes, I am going to use Factcheck information (which I presume to be ‘the truth’) to share with others so that they will hopefully make an informed decision, especially in light of the fanaticism that has been associated with the Obama campaign. Call it what you will….and from my observation, there was A LOT of ‘cherry picking’ going on by EVERYONE.

    ….Prof’s statement: If you were really concerned with the truth, you might have tried to
    > offer some perspective on why Obama’s 2 or 3 fibs are more egregious
    > than McCain’s 7 or 8. It appears that you’re not interested in weighing
    > the evidence.
    My Response: because Obama is a Democrat and Democrats are ‘supposed’ to be ‘different’, i.e., not use the same unethical, despicable, antics that Republicans, use Obama lying AT ALL is unacceptable. And, it is very disconcerting that anyone would attempt to point fingers and say ‘well, they lied more.’ What??????? No, if you want to be my leader, you had better not lie AT ALL! And, when you do, you had better NEVER expect me to overlook or explain it away or justify it. Shame on everyone that has adopted such a position—this is one reason as to why we do not have good leaders…..we excuse, justify, spin, etc. It must stop. It must stop.’

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