Woman Against Woman

By Bettyjean Kling

Dear Betty…to think that you would vote for Mcain just because Hillary did not get in is appalling. How could you as a woman want to possibly see Palin in office at all? She will set women’s rights back 5o years. I know you are disapointed about Hillary. alot of us are but it’s time to get over it and move on. Please do not send me anymore emails as we are not on the same page. I wish you alot of luck and my prayers continue for your daughter.


I want to thank you for the prayers for my daughter – prayers are always welcomed and one who prays will surely be led by God in all ways, we hope! Below you will find my reply- It will seem extreme, – it is. I have taken much time away from my daughter with her permission as we both believe our country is worth it.


We both want our lives to mean something or else we would have come and left nothing behind- hence you will notice great passion in my response. I hope you will understand that passion is not meant to be an attack on you but on what I consider to be your

misconceptions and talking point accusations. Thanks you for your prayers and I hope you take in my reply the passion and love of country that I penned it.


I will honor your request to remove you from the list however, I can not and will not let your comments and questions go unanswered.


1- What in God’s good name makes you think I am voting for McCain as you claim? “just because Hillary did not get in”


I have repeatedly said over and over and over again that this is not about Hillary. And to say that Hillary did not get in is laughable- Hillary was pushed out and Obama was carried in. But what I argue today with you is your choice to cling to the premise that is my voting for McCain because Hillary did not get in as you phrased it. I take umbrage that you make such an accusation. Can you please explain to me what right you have
to twist my reasons into Obama talking points? Have you read my heart wrenching writings about what the Democrat party has become? Have you read about what this party has done to voters – delegates and others? Have you paid attention to the way they have stripped away voter’s rights via threats and intimidation? Do you care about the future of our country? Can you get over the Hillary part of this and focus on what is still
going on and how he is running the campaign and how that bodes for how he would run the government and how dangerous that is?  


2- As to how I could want to see Palin in as a woman at all?


What in the world are you talking about? As a woman I am thrilled to see a woman run and win a high office. I am thrilled to see a woman who has made her choice and expect it to be honored. I am sick to death of women who believe in choice so long as it is their choice. You get over it! You want to end war and save whales and wolves and polar bears but have a problem with this woman right to be pro life. Women do not turn on one another like cats in the street. Women should support one another and I for one find it appalling to attack other women because of her religion, personal beliefs or family values. Republicans have all had this same platform and been in office  for most of the last 40 years and now all of a sudden we are going to attack this women – and this women is going to undo what no Republican man has undone? Give me a break!


Do not ask me why, as women I would pick this woman – at least ask why I would go Republican – but to ask why as a woman I would pick this woman shows that you are woman bashing another women and that is of the lowest order. You are the reason women are still not where they should be. Its women like you who keep us down – women like you who belittle and make us small- I am appalled that you would even admit it! SHAME ON YOU!


3- As to she will set women’s rights back 50 years?


How is she singlehandedly going to set women’s rights back 50 years? Do you even understand politics? Do you have any clue how things work at all?  Do you just go around voting based on sound bites or are you savvy about how the government works? Sarah Palin alone or with John McCain can not possibly set Woman’s Rights back 1 year let alone 50. Wake up – you are being used! All these women’s groups are living high on the hog in high society – they have sold out to the Democrat party – if not you would have the ERA bill by now.


You would have equal rights and equal pay by now – You don’t why? Since the 60’s all they do is keep you happy protecting your Abortion rights! What else have they brought you? Nothing! Wake up. They allowed Hillary to be battered and bashed and never whimpered. Why? Because they are in up to their pretty little plastic faced heads enmeshed in the democrat machine now!


Don’t you see that having a woman as a vice president whether Democrat or Republican will do more to empower all women and women’s issues in general than any single issue or that tired argument that has no chance of being overturned anyway. For 50 years men from both parties have been using Roe v. Wade to control women. The Republicans have reigned for most of those years and it has not changed so women need to take stop allowing themselves to be politically manipulated by it. Only then will it really be our own damned choice.


               “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t 
                 support other women”         ~ Madeline Albright


 4- As to my getting on the same page and getting over it-


Same page as what? Same page as the new Stepford wives, the
Come Home to Dean’ women have become? Getting over what? Get over the fact that the Democrat party has dissolved into a cut-throat non democratic party? NO I WON’T!


Oh I will remove you, but don’t you ever accuse me of voting for McCain just because Hillary did not get in. Don’t you ever tell me to get with the program. Your kind would have joined the Nazi party and killed millions your kind would. And don’t you ever tell me to get over it. Our founders gave me this right and I will not throw it away for you or anyone else – not now not ever – No I won’t.


Free US Now

19 Responses

  1. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for speaking for me and so many others. I have always got your back.


    By the way, would you call me when you get a chance? Blessings on you and your Daughter.

  2. Amen to everything said in your reply to that stepford wife individual. I too am sick and tired of people thinking that previous democrat women who have decided to vote for McCain/Palin is only because Hillary was cheated out of the nomination. They are idiots to not realize this is bigger than Hillary, this is about out country and entrusting it to an inexperience, fraudulent candidate would be like commiting suicide.

  3. It took a lot of courage for you to send that response and I applaud you. This is not a gender race….it is a race to elect the most qualified individual to serve as President and VP. Country over party.

    Thank you for sharing your response with us.

  4. What a great post. Thank you.

  5. I decided to vote for McCain BEFORE he pick Palin as his running mate. I knew I would vote for Obama ONLY if Hillary were HIS running mate. I figured, at least she’d be “in”, and would eventually be President. Obama has too many terrorist links, not to mention the racist, sexist, and anti-American view from his mentors, his wife, and himself. If the country does continue on the same path Bush has taken us on with McCain as President, then at least Hillary can run again–and win–in 2012.

    And, the more I hear about, and from, Palin, the less I like her. She did great when she read what McCain’s speechwriters wrote for her, and the issue that bothers me the most is her anti-right-to-choose stance. But, she is only one person. She will not change the laws on her own. She will be VICE President, not President.

  6. You go girl!

  7. I was not going to bote but I would hate to see Obama as our President.
    He is all talk and disrespectful to America, I think McCain will be a much
    better safer President for our country,
    As for Sarah she is an extra bonus,I am still a democrat but just voting for

  8. Helping special needs children more is something I am for too!
    So…I am going to VOTE(not bote(typo)LOL

  9. You wrote for us all. I chose to support Hillary because of Obama’s associations with Wright, Rezko and Ayers among others. I will not vote for him under any circumstances. When Hillary was cheated out of the nomination I had to look at McCain. Tho I don’t agree with everything he does I sure believe he can keep us safer than Obama. Palin was the one that made it easier to go Republican. Country First before party.

  10. With McCain, you can sleep well at night, and know there will still be an American flag outside when you awake.

  11. I was going to vote for hillary only because she was a women. now I will vote for McCaon because he chose Palin ,a women.

    Palin is the change we need in washington,with Mc Cain. She is extreamly talented in every phrase , as a Governor , a nd an all around a person she is talented in more things than any women I ever heard of .

    We need her to show this country the right way to govern.My hats off to Mc Cain for finding her.He now can get my vote

  12. Why would anyone vote for an incompetent, stuttering male who has serious challenges telling the truth over a competent, well spoken female?

    Shouldn’t women be supporting more women in the political arena? AND they say men are keeping us down? NO, what jealous women do to one another is appalling and that is what is keeping us down.

    Lastly, Betty Jean, your daughter is in my prayers and I”m not ashamed to say that…however repulsed The View and others in the media seem to be by Christianity and people of faith in this day and age, I will continue to hold my head up high and trust in God’s will.

    Prayers to you and yours.

  13. You go get em, girl. We really don’t need people that think we should just get over it and move on. NEVER!!! I can’t vote for someone that makes me think of pure evil. I have voted 41 years and always for ademocrat, but this year I am a Clinton 4 McCain. I did’nt reach that decision without a lot of soul searching,but it is the right one. I am also happy to say most of my family members will be voting republican for the first time in their lives. They were not happy with the way Hillary was dissed, and guess what? They can’t get over it and move on either. BJ, thanks for all you do for this cause,and the time you have to spend away from your family. My best to Dee Dee.

  14. Are we there yet? I can hardly wait for Oct. 22, the first day of early voting in Texas, so I can vote for Mcain/Palin. For all those democrats who still don’t get it: It’s not the brand that counts; its the quality of the product. And the Democratic brand stinks. A Democrat in Exile.

  15. The attacks on Hillary Clinton by other democratic women did not surprise me as I have been trying for most of my adult life to make other women aware that we are hurting all women when we do not support our sisters. We are looking for respect for our differing ideas when they do not coincide with men, so we should give other women the same respect. I remember when I was getting signatures in FL to help the state ratify the ERA and the answers women gave for not signing….My husband lets me do anything I want to do, I do not want unisex toilets, etc. My children were in grade school at that time and they now have children of their own. Why could they not see the bigger picture. Has the democratic party changed anything? We are always told that the Republicans will overturn Roe V Wade. Thinking women are not one issue people. Do some women not see it is an empty threat? Sarah Palin may have views differing with democratic women but she and John McCain do not have the ability on their own to make sweeping changes against womens rights. Hillary Clinton should have been the president in 2008. But since that is not the case, then the best person running should get our vote if we believe in country before party. John McCain is a known entity. We know him to care about this country. Obama has shown that he is for Obama otherwise he would have waited to gain experience and given the people the chance to know him before running for president. He was a pawn for the persons who did not want Hillary Clinton as president. If he was a champion of women as he claims, he also knew that this was the first time a woman had the possibility of becoming president and he did not have to stand in her way. He had to know that he was being used but since it suited his goals, that was just a minor problem. In Obama, it is win at any cost. So we know him for who he really is and my vote is for McCain who is the better candidate.

  16. Thank you – that was perfectly written and I appreciate your comment and the deep passion with which you were able to clearly express the absolute facts.

    Keep speaking up – we must- we absolutly must.

    This site is dedicated to freeing women from this scourge that the women’s groups have put on us- we need to quit the groups- they have corralled us like cattle – we are not cattle – free us now! Let us think – let us go.

    Quit Emily’s list- quit Oprah and The View- that’s not our view- Obama is sexy? I don’t think so!

  17. You go girl! I am sick and tired of women who have internalized sexism and violence against women, and then turn around and attack the rest of us who are still conscious enough to keep fighting!

  18. That was an awesome response!
    Thank you so much for responding the way you did and making clear that this election is about standing for our beliefs. I will never go back to the democratic party with the sad way that is being run now. Country first before party.

  19. Goooooooooooooo Betty! You tell her! Let it all hang out!

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