Media Justice for Sotomayor

From Women’s Media Center –

Now they are after Judge Sonia Sotomayor. They do not attack men this way and I will be damned if they are going to do this to our women. We must not tolerate this anymore. Please distribute and visit Women’s Media Center to sign the petition.

 The Women’s Media Center is releasing its new video, “Media Justice for Sotomayor.” It documents some of these racist and sexist comments already delivered on high profile television programs, radio, print and online outlets.

As Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings approach on July 13th, The Women’s Media Center expects vigorous debate of Sotomayor’s qualifications & abilities. But we call on the media to refrain from allowing sexist and racist remarks to go unchecked.

 You can help the WMC in our campaign for fair media coverage for Judge Sotomayor by contributing in the following ways:

 1. Sign on to our WMC statement (listed below) supporting Media Justice for Sotomayor.

2. Pass this video on to friends, family, and members of the media through Tell-A-Friend.

3. If you are a journalist, contact the WMC for sources and experts on Sotomayor from our Progressive Women’s Voices program or

4. If you see examples of sexism, racism or classicism against Sotomayor in the media’s coverage of her confirmation hearings, please send them to us. 

4 Responses

  1. I’m cannot and will not support any jurist that condones terrorism and murder. She has a terrible record and deliberately overlooks appeals. This is what we as Americans need to get away from. Our Judicial system is in the toilet and this lady does not bring solutions to an already filthy Judicial system. Try and support real solutions like Judicial Accountability Initiative Law , Better known as Jail 4 Judges. I could care less what race creed or faith she is as long as she uphold the RULE OF LAW. Watch it will be just like Obama and the hidden files and reports. More lack of Transparency! To many Judges make rules and their own laws as they go along! And while we are at it lets get control away from these Jurist that think they are all above the law. At first I was glad to see a her as the pick but after going over her record,she stinks to put it mildly! Support

  2. Brian – I am open to discussion on this and anything else but I need facts. I am about to post another long open letter where i am willing to allow fair – open and honest dialog about a lot of things. Too many stories from the far left and far right – we the people no long know what the truth of anything is.
    We must find out! Please stay with us but bring facts- come to the radio show armed with fact not bull but real facts and we will discuss them.

  3. Have you seen the interviews with Jeffrey Deskovic at this website?

    This innocent young man was convicted of murder at a very young age on “evidence” that was not worthy of even being called that. While he was spending about 16 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, the real murderer killed at least one more woman. At one point in the post-conviction relief process, Judge Sotomayor summarily dismissed his petition much as she did the firefighters’ appeal in Ricci.

    Due to the efforts of the Innocence Project, he was finally released, but obviously does not find Sotomayor as “empathetic” as Obama has represented her to be.

  4. I am not familiar with any of this – but I do want the entire story to come to light – As much as I am for Women – I do not want any tokens thrown at us – I would hope that We get a good Judge – keep in mind there were 4 women in the running. $ why her and not one of the other 3? I would have liked to see her credntials up against the other 3 and i wonder why we did not?

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