Race baiting at the cost of sexism/misogyny

Another Rant by; BettyJean Kling

What Obama and the Democrats implemented this year was a strategy of race baiting at the cost of sexism/misogyny. In order for the strategy to work they had to be sure nothing absolutely nothing would get into the way. They had Hillary and that was perfect- she already had some baggage thanks to the Republicans and the hit job from the 90’s they could drag out again and capitalize on — and they did.

They picked up right where the Repugnants left off. What surprised me was the racism they were able to pile on to the Clintons. How that worked – I will never fully understand. Perhaps it was the shock factor of it? I will only venture to guess that mobilizing white guilt and black racism was easier than mobilizing sexism/misogyny in the climate that we have created against racism and for sexism.

Image their surprise when Sarah came on the scene- and nearly destroyed their almost perfect plan – they nearly lost it. That is why the Sarah was attacked with the unparalleled vitriol that allowed women to see just how undervalued we are and opened our eyes to the truth. We should be very grateful to Sarah for the window she gave us. And for the record- no one can prove she could not come up with the name of any newspapers or magazines  because she never read any- I think it is more likely that she either  froze up and coul not think of the name of one immediatley and when pushed dug her heels in or was insulted to be asked such a question in the first place. I know I would have laughed in Catie’s face and answered “Soap Opera Digest” just for the hell of it!

What do I mean climate against racism and for sexism? It is open season on straight white women. As Al Sharpton says- women are not a group unless they have a minority attached to them- either color- nationality or sexual preference etc.

It took a great deal for me to figure out just where we are taking this country in terms of women, hear me out and see what you think. I have been criticized for saying liberation was not all it was cracked up to be. I have often asked who really got the best of women’s liberation. I know we made so many advances – I do and I am sure we would have made many of them anyway – hell look around the world-you can’t help but see advances come naturally. Having said that – yes the woman’s movement brought us much advancement but we still only make .78 on the dollar. I should think after 50 years we would have moved that higher?

But hey we can still have abortions – I have never had one and in 62 years I only know 1 who has and I know of 2 who told me they have and at that, they say it was back in the 60’s, a butcher job. Please do not get me wrong- I am Pro-Choice and I do not believe the government has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body. That’s why I am so confused that Obama is getting into that discussion and has set up a commission on abortion- is for decreasing abortions- has signed on to the consciousness clause which allows for doctors, nurses and pharmacists to refuses to dispense or perform reproductive or abortive services and yet he is still heavily supported by liberal and democratic women while conservative women like Sarah are scorned  and degraded for her decision to keep her child?

Pro- Choice should equate to Freedom of Choice! Only when women align with all women and allow other women opposite views views will we be viewsed as totally free women instead of enemies who need to be hated or feared or sexualized. How dare some women and men put the majority in a box ? Free US Now. We are individuals all! No two women are alike – we are individuals we are independent whole thinking human beings and that is why we need Freedom of choice instead of Pro-choice.

What we need ladies and gentlemen is ERA equal rights for all. Every American citizen should have equal rights under The Constitution of The United States of America. That would solve a multitude of issues in terms of human rights in this country for women- women rights are human rights. Before we can do that – we need to mobilize and take back control of our country- it is ours. As the majority we had better mobilize as have all the other groups and take control of how we treat the majority of citizens who are being slaughtered, raped, sexualized, murdered, humiliated, unrepresented, quieted, dehumanized, underpaid, ignored, scoffed, laughed at, disregarded etc. etc. shall I go on? Racism is used as a sledge hammer over our heads but sexism is totally ignored and we are laughed at if we complain if this continues we will be forever shut down. I say now it the time to strike while the controversy is on over the false racist charge that the President fell into. ASK him now where he is on sexism !

When I addressed Obama’s failure to address sexism – I got very few comments. I did find this gem. Read this piece from Alessandro who nails it as still an all boys club, where the men involved where invited to talk things over but the woman who was totally faultless  but dragged through hell never got so much as a mention let alone a beer:  http://dailypuma.blogspot.com/2009/07/once-again-barack-obama-excludes-female.html

I continue to hammer this home still not much in comments but I continue. Then I did a piece on Inappropriate sexualization and dehumanization? Where I pointed out that we so dehumanize our females that when they are sexualized we call it inappropriate but not sexual and expect this young girl to go back to school and sit in class with these 4 boys who got 3 days to sit home and play games. I again blame the president for not stepping up and addressing these problems that are happening every day – little girls getting raped instead of attacking white cops for his black friends and from a male commenter – I got this response

I don’t think Obama has anything to do with this, nor do expressions such as running “like a sissy” or throwing “like a girl.”

Treat sexual assault for what it is, without throwing in the laundry list of grievances about sexism, and all decent people will acknowledge the gravity of the crime.

Very hurt to have been dismissed – I felt the need to explain further especially after this reply from a woman who apparently did understand. What is it going to take to wake up American women? Most of us know what is happening – so why are we crippled and unable to mobilize? Please – let us take a page from the minorities play book as obnoxious as it is – at least it works- it worked on us for far too long! It’s time to turn the page! We are the ones we have been waiting for – there are no ‘prince charmings’, princesses – get on your own horses and ride! Rise Ladies RISE!

I think it’s just that it is so common and so accepted that most people don’t even notice that it is happening or think about how harmful it is and how damaging to the spirit it can be to be told you’re making too much of it.

But I think statements from battered women show that often the guy starts out just verbally abusing, and then if he is not stopped, pretty soon it’s pushing or slapping or punching. And I know that you know better than I how awful it can end up.

Having been a victim of every kind of abuse from the lowest on the male labeled “laundry list” to being the main target on the highest offence on the list to experiencing a daughter’s bald head crushed in with a claw hammer and other daughter’s head blown half off – I just may be a little more knowledgeable on this particular subject!

I am nearly 62, I was ridiculed as a child sexually abused by age 4- raped by 11- knocked up by 14, married by 15 divorced by 19 – had a gun held to my head thrice in my life.

I have watched life change for women over the years from the docile submissive June Cleaver types to the crass and independent Rosanne Barr that just made men distrust, hate us and view us as the total antithesis of man hating ‘dikes’ instead of just not a total ‘doormat’. Woman’s groups radicalized and decided to focus on a few issued and leave most women without a general voice.

Woman who were once depicted in TV sitcoms used to tie an apron string around their waist for our daughters to emulate as role models, now more often than not may be professional women but their skirts are hiked up to their ass cheek and their shirts buttoned down to their navels by day and they wear a G-string and wrap themselves around a pole to please men by night.

Because our boy and girls are raised with this constant sexualization and humiliation and degradation and dehumanization of woman- they have no respect for them and little girls have no roles models but them. This is what they are fed 24/7 and it seems glamorous to the girls and appealing to the boys.

We are force feeding it to our children! And when our president rushes to judgment on what doesn’t exist but not a word on what does exist he continues what he started during this election.

The Dems and this President do a great disservice to a population that was counting on him and splashed him all over the damned place as a feminist! They believed the Dems were a party for women and they were led to believe – although I cannot believe how- that Obama was on their side. Women were duped as NOW, NARAL, and many other woman groups ran to his side – women voted for him MS magazine put him on their cover and wrote “this is what a feminist looks like”.

The man is a woman hating racist – pure and simple- he is a socialist – he is a liar. There is no transparency. The only thing he said that was true is that he is going to transform this county- he is – but I and many of you are not going to like it when he is done!

AS for the other party- don’t make me laugh- we just went through 8 years of that clown and if we did not learn that these tow party’s are two wings of the same vulture – there is no hope for us at all.

Vote em out – vote em all out- Voter Imposed Term Limits NOW- Every election every time. Till we clean out the barn- The only thing these guys and the few women who play with the men at their table understand is VOTEs and MONEY- we don’t have the money but by golley we can have the votes but it is going to take all of us to WAKE UP!

Reminder- we are force feeding our children this garbage – what do you expect of them – it’s all they see and hear from birth. The minute they leave your home or your church they are bombarded with sights images sounds words songs – they are bombarded. Look at the world through their eyes and ears and then ask why things are as they are! STOP!

If I sound frustrated – I am! Only you can stop this – Only you!

Join The Majority United – STOP IT NOW! TMU

7 Responses

  1. I can imagine you are really busy, but it seems a shame you did not link to the DailyPUMA articles about this exact topic and how it was used again in the Gates, Crowley followed by a beer at the white house incident.


  2. I say PUMA ! It’s time to get together. This country needs a viable third party to clean house.

  3. This is a most excellent rant! I especially love the part in which you said the parties are two wings of the same vulture.

    But hey, now, I liked Roseanne up until when Tom Arnold started running the show and completely ruined it.

  4. I’m not picking on the Roseanne character – what I meant was we are not all in one box or another – are we? How dare they make us into one thing or another – we are free FREEE we can be any damned thing we want to be – we do not fit and damned mold – no two alike- and i will not be cast by anyone !

    We will never get that third party- well not anytime soon anyway – but what we can do is take away the career facto for these lifer crooks.

    We can march on DC – we can take it to them by forcing them to have town halls then appearing and forcing them to be accountable to us – we the people and then voting them out every damned time no matter what!

    Can you imagine – the shock if at the next election we turn out the whole damned congress? Can you imagine- what a coupe detat- think we can’t- think again – and we can every two years till they get the damned message!

    See how fast the reat of the politicians get the message in 4 years then 6 year offices – especially when we oust them too!

    Put this country right again! The Majority United! Kill the vulture!

  5. Brilliant article, BJ.
    Wish I had time to respond in more detail; sometime soon, perhaps.

    The male “bond” is extraordinary. The “poor oppressed” black male had the vote fifty years before the white female.

    Now the straight white female is being thrown to the vultures…and women of a “certain age” – what a stupid description – are demonised on film, tv and in the sorry excuse for what passes as literature today. In British crime drama the villains are usually well educated women, fifties. Euthanasia here I come. Not.

    One of these days I’ll submit a novel with three violent rapes on the first page and see if i get a publishing offer…but only when I’m economically grounded enough to tell them to shove it.

    That was longer than intended. Keep writing BJ – you’re brilliant! An autobiography would be inspirational – but get the advance first…

    • Thank you- it’s not easy to lay one’s life out like that- but it is the only way I know to scream out that I am sure that I have lived it myself and therefore I know what I know. Does that make me an authority- maybe not- but it sure makes me more knowledgeable than some guy who never walked a mile in my shoes or a gal who never did for that matter.

      How many folks do you know sits here on there own dime after having lost three kids and having been through all this; who types till their fingers drop off day and night for two long years trying to get women to understand – we can not give in – we can not give up and we can not give out no matter what!

      I have been through it all from birth and I am determined not to stop this fight to death – I will not go quietly in to that good night- I will go screaming and yelling- ERA- I will doggedly fight to throw the bums out and restore America to it’s glory and to unite the majority.

      Join me: Free US Now – THE MAJORITY UNITED

      BettyJean Kling M.S, M. Ed The Majority United Free-US-Now.com FreeMeNow.wordpress The Majority United Radio Founder: Free US Now- “A victim’s first scream is for help; a victim’s second scream is for justice.” – Coral Anika Theill

  6. Perhaps you are right- maybe an autobiography would reach more people? Know a good

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