Barack Obama Day

Another Rant by Bettyjean Kling

I could hardly believe my ears this morning! I sat up in bed scratched my head, wiped the cookies out of the corners of my eyes, and shook the cobwebs out then digested the words I heard again. Could he possibly have said what I think he said? Did that man really say that they overwhelmingly passed a new county holiday in Alabama in honor of electing a black president which proved we can elect a president without concern for race or color. I stumbled over to the computer and Goggled the words “Barack Obama Day” and there is was!

Save the date: Ala. county passes Obama holiday


MARION, Ala. (AP) — In central Alabama’s Perry County, government workers already get a day off for President’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, and Veterans Day. In 2009, they’ll get one more: “Barack Obama Day.”

The rural county, which overwhelmingly supported Obama in last month’s presidential election, has approved the second Monday in November as “The Barack Obama Day.” Commissioners passed a measure that would close county offices for the new annual holiday and its roughly 40 workers will get a paid day off.

Sponsoring commissioner Albert Turner Jr. said the holiday is meant to highlight the Democratic president-elect’s victory as a way to give people faith that difficult goals can be achieved.

Perry County has 12,000 residents, most of them black. Voters there backed Obama by over 70 percent in a state that gave 60 percent of the overall vote to Republican John McCain based largely on strong support from white voters.

At the state level, Alabama observes the standard federal holidays as well as a handful of its own that include Confederate Memorial Day in April and the June birthday of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. It observes Martin Luther King’s birthday in January but the holiday is twinned with commemoration of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee on the same day.

The Perry County Commission’s three black members and one of its two white members voted for the Obama holiday.

Commissioner Brett Harrison said Wednesday he voted against the resolution because of the costs to the county, which has a $2.2 million annual payroll and is one of the poorest in the state. He said closing the courthouse would also idle some state employees.

“I’m a Democrat, but just in these financial times, it’s not using the county’s money wisely,” Harrison told The Associated Press by phone Wednesday. “The recognition is certainly well-founded.”

Turner said copies of the resolution, adopted at a Nov. 25 meeting, have been mailed to Obama and his transition team.


Well – It seems to me the whole damned thing has been all about this guys race and color from the very start- albeit we have been reminded every damned day since he came on the scene that he is black and it has completely been all about isn’t it wonderful that a black man has been elected and how historic this has been- what with the dancing in the streets. And now we are going to give paid holidays for it too? Oh well at least they give us flunkies Mothers Day – I guess we are lucky we got that huh?


Do you suppose we can lobby for at least a “Flunky Day”? A “Step Aside Like a Good Little Girl Day”? Maybe “Come Home to the Party Day”? How about ‘Hell Hath no Fury Like Many Pissed Off Women Day? I like that one best myself!


Meet me Monday night live and let’s discuss how we can start to be more effective than we have been at being taken seriously in this country- getting noticed and being treated as if we are the majority and a significant majority at that. It’s way past time!



Monday 8pm est
Call-in # (347) 838-8011

4 Responses

  1. I would love to see Matthews leave MSNBC only to lose the election in PA. I hope there are other Democratic challengers so women and Clinton supporters won’t have to pick a Republican just because this asshat is running.

  2. Maybe when Chris Mattews is a candidate we women can give him a real taste of what it is like to be on the receiving end of a down and dirty campaign. I am loving the idea of people digging up dirt and throwing it on him. COULD NOT HAPPEN TO A NICER GUY!!!!! And as for the the Barack Obama holiday,that is insane.Correct me if I am wrong, but we had a president asassinated in 1963, and to the best of my knowledge there is no holiday for him. [ guess race counts more than a president who actually accomplished some things without lying and cheating to get there. Go figure.And by the way, is it only a half day holiday since he is only half black? He only mentions his white half when it is beneficial to him.

  3. This country has gone crazy trying to appease the consciences of white people who are made to feel guilty by black people. My ancestors where not here during slavery and I am tired of while guilt. I have had many black friends but this is getting rediculous. Most white people are taking a back seat in sports. College football and basketball is mostly blacks on scholarships who leave to join the pros and never finish a degree. I wonder if that is considered fair to those academically superior students who struggle to pay their tuitions. Where is the fairness in that? In this country, we are told we can be anything we want to be if we work hard enough. Tell that to HIllary Clinton.

  4. I agree with all of the above. But what is ironic is he isn’t offically President yet. Tie this with a school named after him and all of the Inaugurationl marketing items with his face plastered all over. High dollar items at that! I’m surprised they haven’t come out with money already with his face. I’m sorry, but I just can’t reconcile myself to the fact I have to live with this idiot calling the shots for the next 4-8.

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