Woman is the Nigger of the World


Another rant by: Bettyjean Kling 

Tears were shed in the streets, throngs celebrating in Times Square could be heard from 1st. Ave., the media was in a frenzy, Obots were in heaven, black leaders were lined up to tell us how proud they finally were of America (Michelle was thinking it to herself no doubt) and headlines read “History” was made on Nov. 4th 2008 in America because a black was elected to the White House. I was in tears too but I scratched my head and asked what the hell is so historic about placing yet another man in office?


Hold your celebrations folks. We are not there yet- history was not made – we did not overcome- and Martin Luther King’s dream was not realized. Wasn’t it King who said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”? Weren’t some of those little children daughters?  


So now all of a sudden skin color became the factor that everyone is judging how we make history? Was it because his face was black and for a short blip in our history blacks were kept as slaves? Or maybe some would say we are celebrating a black man reminds us of slavery and somehow this partially black man with no slavery background transcends that dark part of our history? Well that may be quite a stretch but we are still not there yet!   


Women’s slavery has yet to be resolved – it is not a blip in history — it is a fact of a life for woman, and it’s been going on since the beginning of time. Women have been ignored, blamed, talked down to,  laughed at, held  back, paid less, worked harder, kept down, smacked around, humiliated, degraded , victimized, beaten, raped and are  murdered at the hands of men — their own husbands and fathers and are still daily victims right now.


This so-called historic Black candidate was not a product of the civil rights abuses of this country; he did not suffer mistreatment by during his candidacy as did both the female candidates. So I ask again what was so euphoric that millions were crying — some for joy and some from the release resulting of shedding their white guilt. Guilt they willingly accepted as their responsibility and obligated the rest of us to carry with along with them while they turned a blind eye to those of us who have been enslaved since the beginning of time and who were left behind yet again.


No- I maintain as do up to one half on this nations citizenry who is taxed yet not fully represented, history will not be made until every enslaved, mistreated or otherwise unrepresented citizen is equally represented, until Jeremiah Wright does not call anyone a nigger, until no women is ever again called a cunt, until women support other women whether they fully agree on every issue or not  and until a woman is elected as president of the United States of America.


Then let there be dancing in the streets and celebrations in every home and tears of joy to celebrate a truly historic accomplishment to be proud of you hypocrites!


John Lennon Lyrics – 1970’s (?) Woman is the Nigger of the World Lyrics

We make her paint her face and dance
If she won’t be a slave, we say that she don’t love us
If she’s real, we say she’s trying to be a man
While putting her down, we pretend that she’s above us

Woman is the nigger of the world…yes she is
If you don’t believe me, take a look at the one you’re with
Woman is the slave of the slaves
Ah, yeah…better scream about it

We make her bear and raise our children
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Then we complain that she’s too unworldly to be our friend

Woman is the nigger of the world…yes she is
If you don’t believe me, take a look at the one you’re with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yeah…alright…hit it!

We insult her every day on TV
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
When she’s young we kill her will to be free
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is…if you don’t believe me, take a look at the one you’re with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yes she is…if you believe me, you better scream about it

We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance

12 Responses

  1. * Note 47.5% McCain, vs 52% BHO

    In a year that the Dem party could not loose against a Republican candidate that could not win –imagine what would have happened if 75% of Hillary’s 18 Million supporters had not gone home to the party that abused their trust – violated their voter rights and took them for granted on Nov. 4th ?

    Hillary and her supporters delivered Obama the votes on a silver platter ! I may never ever get over that! But I will always be proud that I was one of the 25% who did my best to prevent the Democrats from ursurping our voting rights and destroying democracy!

    BettyJean Kling

  2. Women are a majority which doesn’t even want to be a minority. Haolf of them want to iron the shorts of men. Until this changes, we’ll accomplish nothing.

  3. LOVE the SONG/LYRICS, and I’ve know and felt and fought against everyone one of them MY WHOLE LIFE (relationships, jobs, marriage etc……….)

    Your my NEW HERO on this subject. And I believe we’re in good company:

    BJ, DR. LONG, RD, MuRHpY, TEAM SARAH, GRETA, etc…………

    We’ll crawl before we walk, but we will end up STANDING TALL in the end.

  4. I am here in tears and commend you that your post is brilliant and how true, I want women to realize in 1870 the 15th amendment to the constitution black men got the right to vote off the suffragettes movement, Fredrick Douglas teamed with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, Susan B. Anthony wrote a famous quote about it here it is= I beg of you to speak of woman as you do the Negro, speak of her as a human being, as a citizen of the United States, as a half of the people whose hands lies a destiny of this Nation…
    I want people to understand Fredrick Douglas was the first black man to get the nomination for President, he turned it down in fear of retaliation, because he was a run away slave who was latter emancipated

  5. BRAVO!! What a great article…

  6. Thank you – I was beginning to think all the tears I shed writing it were for nothing – no one seemed to want to read it – so I rewrote it with a new title hoping it might draw some attention – the content is worth repeating – please share it if you would- this should not fall on too few eyes!

  7. Wonderful post. I’m going to e-mail a link to it to my daughter. Thank you!

  8. We can do it! Yes its not easy but every one of us has to try just a little harder.
    We can do it without putting men downbecause we don’t want them to feel they are our enemy . Our men are human beings too. they are some of our Fathers ,Sons,Husbands, neighbors and just friends.

    We can and will get the respect that women deserve by showing equal respect to them too.

    We must walk just a little faster and study just a little harder and remember that success starts with the first step. Why not start like Sara Palin did, she started at town hall meetings then worked up to mayer and then up to Governor and if my guess is right her next step will be US senator and 4 yrs from now President.

    I know we all can’t do what Palin is doing but let us all at least try to do somthing local in our comunity.Let the men folks see that we can be smart enough to hold office or at least participate in some part of our comunity just so for recognition and never give up and keep trying.

    Win loose or draw we can and will feel much better for ourselves than just sit back and do nothing and be resentful.

    Now lots of luck, I’ve been there ,done my best ,enjoyed it on my way and now at 84 years old I am now sitting back and watchin the new younger women on thier way and I am happy now.

  9. Bettyjean,

    I couldn’t respond right away because I just couldn’t get over those lyrics. They are just too sad however true.

    As I said before I will continue to suport your site as I feel a kindred spirit with you. I can’t do a lot but will do my best to help in any way I can.

  10. Sorry about the typos. Didn’t proof as well as I should have.

  11. Request Biden’s and Obama’s senate seats be filled by women

    “Please email or call the governors of Delaware and Illinois and request Biden’s and Obama’s senate seats be filled by women. Only by reaching a 30% representation will women have a voice in our government.


    Dover at 744-4101 or Wilmington at 577-3210.


    207 State House

    Springfield, IL 62706

    Phone: 217-782-0244 or 312-814-2121

    TTY: 888-261-3336

    You may also contact Biden and Obama and request they recommend the appointment of a women for their seats.


    (302) 573-6345 DE office

    (202) 224-5042 DC office


    (312) 886-3506 Chicago

    (202) 224-2854 DC

  12. I didn’t vote for Obama because he was black; I would not vote for Hillary simply because she was a woman. You’re suprised? Black MEN got the vote 50 years before women of any race. But Hillary didn’t lose because she was a woman; Obama didn’t win because he was black. You may have some good points here, but don’t put down the progress that has been made in civil rights – HUMAN rights – simply because we’re not all the way there, yet. Progress is still progress.

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