Be Afraid – be very afraid

Guest Post by Karen Hill

Unheard American Voices published a new entry entitled “Joe Biden tells the coming & I Don’t Scream by Karen Hill” on 10/21/2008 5:11:35 AM, written by A Silenced Voter.

Joe Biden tells the coming & I Don’t Scream by Karen Hill


Joe Biden, Vice Presidential candidate, confirmed what many already thought.  His now infamous statement “it will not be 6 months before the world test Barack Obama“.  I want to scream….Duh, but I shall refrain.
Since I am not screaming instead I want to look at what he said and just how insanely scary it is.  He compared a potential 2008-2009 “testing” of Barack Obama as President of the United States to what John Kennedy faced with the Cuban Missile Crisis. 
I am not going to justify this absurd statement with much, instead I am going to ask you to do something.  Today when you are out and about, stop and look around.  Are you at an airport?  In a shopping mall?  At a grocery store?  At the zoo?  Did you stop at the post office?  Now think about the busiest place you were today and think about all those faces gliding past you.  People hustling and bustling about their business in the usual hurry we Americans are in.
Now, which one has the dirty bomb? 
Are you or your child or your wife or your husband in the path of some religious fanatical group at the grocery store?  At the mall?  Picking your child up from school?  Enjoying a brisk day at the park with your family?  Who dies?  Who is maimed for life?  Because some radical faction somewhere in some far flung part of the world wants to test an inexperienced, ultra-leftist, America comes 2nd, presidential candidate?
Now look at your wife or your husband or your child and I ask you… this a test your willing to take?  Your very life or that of someone you love may very well hang in the balance.
Give me a break.  This is coming from a life long, once proud democrat……screw you!  How dare you NOT look into this candidate of miracles this fraud who has the nerve and the impudence to tell the Federal court in Pennsylvania, whaaa don’t make me prove I was born in the United States….whaaa don’t make me prove I was not adopted by an Indonesian and became an Indonesian citizen….. whaaa that might cause me “injury”.  How dare you have the gall the audacity to put my country, my life and the lives of my loved ones in the hands of some utopia peddling pompous fraud.
Grow up.  The communes are all gone.  Utopia doesn’t exist on earth and you are not going to create it.  Life is not fair and it never has been and never will be.  We try to make it as fair as we can but here is a clue, THE WHOLE WORLD DOESN’T HAVE THE SAME IDEA OF UTOPIA YOU FOOL.
Utopia for quite afew out there is veiled women, sharia law, Islamic rule and a complete end to womens rights, gay rights, children’s rights, rights of any and every kind.  To whom will you complain about a woman candidate for vice president referred to as a “Cunt” to whom will you scream when a woman candidate for the office of the president of the United States is called a “Bitch” when women no longer have the right to be heard at all?  You think this is over reacting? 
Well, when was the last time you were in Europe?  Did you know Canada is being coerced by Islamic immigrants who wish to institute sharia law?  Did you know Denmark has had murders committed by Islamic immigrants based on their religious disapproval of what someone said or wrote or filmed?  Did you know that England has already begun instituting sharia law into English law?  Did you know that Muslim immigrants are leaving the middle east in droves and populating every corner of the globe? 
If you do not know these things you better get educated and quick.   They, Islamic extremist understand to rule the countries of the world you must work in steps, they understand change doesn’t happen overnight.  First they immigrate more and more and more.  They establish themselves as a group and a force to be reckoned with.  Then they begin pressuring for changes in the law and suddenly so many have immigrated and they have obtained converts and they have children and now they are genuinely a force to be reckoned with.  Denmark is discovering that and facing the complete loss of a Danish identity with in just a few short years.  Not only do they face the loss of their Danish identity but they will be a minority in their own country and will no longer hold a voting majority and they will not be able to stop sharia law.  That is what Denmark is facing now.  Is that what America is already facing?
The Islamic ‘utopia’ that so many seek will result in the utter degradation of every group of people and every hard fought and hard won right we as Americans have.  When homosexuality is punishable by death, come talk to me about Roe v Wade.  When women are beaten and they CAN NOT call on law enforcement, come talk to me about Roe v Wade.  When a human being (woman or non-Muslim) is once again considered chattel, come talk to me about Roe v Wade.  When you are told you can no longer go out in public without a headscarf, come talk to me about Roe v Wade.
You think voting for Barack Obama is a vote for Pro-Choice?  Guess what it is a vote against choice of any kind other than what he and his minions will allow.  How many articles have been scrubbed from the web?  How many youtube videos have been dumped?  How much has Google invested in Barack Obama?  Remember the Truth Squad?  Public LAW ENFORCEMENT being used at taxpayer expense AGAINST THE PUBLICS POTENTIAL EXERCISE OF FREE SPEECH.  You think you are protecting your rights when in fact history proves you wrong.  Every miracle candidate from history has been nothing short of an utter disgrace as a leader.  Inevitably leaving every nation they have ruled over in utter ruins and MILLIONS DEAD, TORTURED, MURDERED OR SIMPLY VANISHED
Yet, this election will give validation to one of America’s best known quotes.  This quote is attributed to one of our nations finest snake oil salesmen, none other than P.T. Barnum.
When you are watching votes tally up for Barack Obama, just hear the words as if P.T. Barnum is whispering them in your ear………“There is a sucker born every minute” but I think old P.T. Barnum might add something to that in consideration of our current political situation…..Theres a sucker born every minute and Barack Obama found every one of them.
Ok, I did not scream but I am a bit out of breath from the rant.

Watch the video The Inconvenience of Truth prt 4


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