Obama’s Desperation is Showing

Another Rant by: Bettyjean Kling


I was about to turn off my computer and get some sleep tonight when I saw a message come in that made my skin crawl. I just could not believe my eyes. I tried to leave it till tomorrow but it just kept nagging at me.


I closed the outlook and started to move away but I just couldn’t stop thinking about the subject line that read “Run the Hate Talk Express Off the Road” I have seen some vicious subject lines before and I have heard some vicious remarks such as “Get in their faces” but “Run the Hate Talk Express Off the Road” smacks of a direct threat to John McCain’s bus and very life!


Obama has raised more money and brings in more people than any other candidate in history and yet he arguable only 2-6% points ahead nationwide and just lost his lead in 2 of the 5 swing states – – he just can not close the deal and he is getting desperate. Is he now calling his masses to murder John McCain? Out spending McCain 8-1 and only a few points ahead? Why? Powell on his side – loosing ground- Why? Poooooor Obama how is he gonna feed that hungry wife Iranian Caviar if he looses now that he threw all his money folks under the bus? Yikes  and now he wants to run McCain’s bus off the damned road! This guy’s got a thing with Buses!


Astonished I read on. As they accuse The McCain team of being vicious and telling lies they unleash 15 videos that are the most vicious I have ever seen along with a plea to spread out and brainwash everyone possible — day and night.


I have never seen anything like what I just read and I still can not get out of my mind the thought that the Obama campaign hopes that some misguided nutcase will take the subject line literally and try to

“Run the Hate Talk Express Off the Road” as urged by Robert Greenwald and the Brave New team.


I hope no one from Obama’s team ever has the nerve to accuse McCain of a negative attack again with a straight face. This is the fiercest attack I have ever witnessed and all lies and or unreasonable distortions and spin.


Oh Colin Powell- bite your tongue- who is being negative and totally dishonest and disingenuous now? These are a giant stretch.


 And like Obama himself said – it’s what you do when you get desperate! All that money and all those people and all those delegates and all that media and barely ahead- hmmmmm! I would say he has a good reason to be desperate! Take a gander at the titles of the 15 video all set to roll out one each day – Colin Powel – you spoke too soon but then this isn;t the first time you been played for a fool is it? Guess you not a good judge of character after all – you are 2 for 2 wrong!


1-     McCain Care Leaves Seniors Behind:

2-     John McCain’s YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare:

3-     John McCain: Economic Disaster:

4-     John McCain vs. John McCain:

5-     McCain’s Mansions:

6-     McCain’s Spiritual Guide Wants America To Destroy Islam:

7-     McCain’s Health Records Must Be Released:

8-     McCain’s Green Economy: Drill Baby Drill:

9-     Big Oil Fuels the Straight Talk Express:

10- Less Jobs. More Wars:

11- Why Won’t John McCain Sign the GI Bill?

12-  John McCain’s Lobbyist Friends:

13-  John McCain is Dr. Strangelove:

14-  McCain’s Chart Topping Single “Bomb Iran”:

15-  ACORN and the Fight Against Voter Suppression:

So I remain concerned are Obamites threatening McCain?

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