Obama is Anti-American!


I got an email from a guy named Stephen this morning about something he got in his email and just like the one that disgusted me last night I thought his reaction was worth reprinting. I agree it is time to push back- we have let the other side get away with labeling us while they are the ones doing the dirty. It’s time to give them a taste of their own medicine – we have nothing to loose if we tell the truth! Fair game only folks keep to the truth and we can’t go wrong!


Dear friends,I’ve stayed on the Obama campaign’s mailing list to follow what they’re really up to and how they’re really energizing their supporters (an insight most of the Sunday morning political talk show hosts and guests seem too proud to avail themselves of), and here’s their latest piece of negativity whining “foul” and crying crocodile tears about “divisiveness.” 

See the linked video at:





Please consider pushing back by contacting your local and national media, elected representatives, and voluntary associations (unions, etc.) and exposing the hypocrisy of a campaign that talks “unity” in public but practices the ugliest, most vicious tactics of race-baiting, misogyny, and age-ism by calling what they are: anti-democratic and indeed anti-American.



·        Yes, let’s call race-baiting Bill and Hillary Clinton anti-American.

·        Let’s call John Lewis’ absurd charges against John McCain anti-American.

·        Let’s call Obama’s contempt of our small-town brothers and sisters anti-American.

·        Let’s call the sexist mockery of Sarah Palin anti-American.

·        Let’s call funding an unrepentant bomber’s politicized classrooms anti-American.

·        Let’s call covering up the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac scandals anti-American.

·        Let’s call campaigning for Raila Odinga anti-American.

·        Let’s call intimidating voters anti-American.

·        Let’s call funding fraudulent voter registration anti-American.

·        Yes, let’s call Barack Hussein Obama anti-American.

In solidarity,
Stephen C
  I know there are tons of You Tube videos out there that prove how Anti American this man is- For example – here is one cancelling the  Anthem so more can speak on his behalf- You tell me how American that it?

He broke a kid’s heart so some Politician could blow his own whistle!

3 Responses

  1. God I “hope” something will take down this egotistical and totally inexperienced rookie before it is too late. America must have someone with a truly proven track record, not just promises of hope and change. These are serious times and we need a seriously experienced leader. Nobama!!! McCain is now the only real choice for our country’s future security and prosperity.

  2. It is difficult to keep thinking positive when the media is soooo negative about McCains prospects and continues to shove Obama down our throats. McCain will be speaking in Sarasota this Thursday and I will be there to show my support. I am getting extra tickets and encouraging those who have placed an early vote to continue to show their support for McCain/Palin.

  3. Thank you for being there and for encouraging others as well. I have heard that the sample ballots are preprinted with obama’s name on it in some counties- is that true?
    If so please alert the authorities or send me a copy so i can post it!

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